Have you received this week's payment?

Discussion started by CGPitbull

Have you received this week's payment? It was supposed to be received yesterday and we are still waiting. As far as I know, it is not a holiday in Lithuania.


Posted about 2 months ago

And I would add that the Dashboard has been loading really, really slowly for a few days now.

Posted about 2 months ago

As for loading speed, I have noticed a lot of errors over the last week including 504 (Gateway Time Out).

CGPitbull wrote
Maybe they have teams on vacation, as no one says anything, lately these platforms leave a lot to be desired.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Perhaps test new options again, etc., but overall, over the last month there have been more and more errors, bugs and freezes.
Posted about 2 months ago

At least someone from the CGtrader team reads this thread, my dashboard now loads perfectly after a few days of being "frozen" a few moments before loading :)

Posted about 2 months ago

There is no payment here as well. Probably they will pay later today or next wednesday. As you mentioned overall the site was very slow. A lot of errors bugs etc. Today is a little bit better.

Posted about 2 months ago

In my case, I have not received the email every Wednesday informing me of the payment of royalties for the week. I went to check my payment information, and only 3 sales that came in this August 1st appear as paid. Everything that CGTrader owes me from the last two weeks of July appears as "unpaid."
This again coincides with the weeks where I have a very good performance, and increased sales.
Since they forcibly changed the payment method from Payoneer to Hyperwallet, and the sales scheme to weekly payment, they always owe me money. They never pay me everything.
Sad because this site had a very good behavior both in payment, as well as with the Freelance workers, who could contact modeling jobs and others through this platform.
I'm starting to think that it's time to migrate everything to another platform.

CGPitbull wrote
I honestly preferred the old system. Now you have to look at the week corresponding to those sales and verify that the payment corresponds to those sales. It makes me lose time that I could dedicate to other things.
TazMan2000 wrote
You will not get sales from the last two weeks in July, until 20 days has passed from each sale and then only on the next Wednesday after. This waiting period has not changed. It was always 20 days, except on the old payment system the sales were tabulated at the end of the month, and you were paid on the 20th of the next month.
Posted about 2 months ago

I received my weekly payment today only....

Posted about 2 months ago

I Just received my weekly payment...

Posted about 1 month ago

got my payment on Thursday (only 1 day late) , i usually got my payment on time on Wednesday

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