Wildcat - FBX unit scale does not match. Expected: cm, got: m

Discussion started by lucasbenicio

I'm using blender and I'm always getting this error when I upload. I tried changing the base length unit in blender to cm but it didn't work. Anyone else having this issue?


Posted almost 4 years ago

I also had this issue and found a solution after inspecting the FBX file with Autodesk FBX Converter. The issue is blender's FBX exporter is broken and you need to adjust some setting before you export it. Here are the steps to solve this annoying problem.

1. Apply all transforms
2. Scale your model by 100x
3. Apply all transforms again.
4. Use these settings in the FBX exporter.
Scale: 0.01
Apply Scalings: All local
Forward: Y Forward
Up: Z Up
Uncheck apply unit

andrei-pavlov wrote
This does not work unfortunately
mmz-001 wrote
It's difficult to tell what's causing this issue, however, try changing those steps/values to see what works.
Posted almost 4 years ago

I've had exact same problem when exporting FBX. After long time of uploading-exporting-reuploading I found settings that worked:
Scale: 0.01
Apply scalings: All FBX
Forward: Y
Up: Z
Check "apply unit", "use space transform" and "apply transform"

It also seems like units in project itself have no influence on this issue

mmz-001 wrote
When importing the fbx back into blender, this makes the model 100x smaller, even though the error won't pop up when uploading.
madenbyte wrote
mmz is actually right, it turns your model into small toy. Unfortunately, I figured it out only when QA told me that my texel density was stupidly high. I'll put my new preset settings in a new answer so it will be more noticeable
Posted almost 4 years ago

I've revisited my export preset and this is what it is now:

Scale units in the scene: meters (!)
Scale: 1.00
Apply scalings: All Local
Forward: Y
Up: Z
Check "apply unit", "use space transform" and "apply transform"

Give it a try

roth81ly wrote
This solution just works for me!
Posted over 3 years ago

1- Check system unit make it cm or m (project requirement)
2-Apply all transform
3-Fbx export setting (scale 1.00 , Apply scale FBX Unit scale , Forward Y up Z , uncheck apply unit and space transform , check Apply transform
4-it worked for me

Posted almost 3 years ago

Blender Users
scale your model to 100x (Dimensions from cm to meter in the viewport)
Apply all transformations
Fbx export setting
scale 1.00,
Apply scale FBX Unit scale
Y Forward
Z Up
uncheck apply unit and space transform,
check Apply transform if any

it works

Tommaso-Raso wrote
God bless you! after one day of troubles exporting files I followed this instructions and everything is well gone! Thanks!
Posted almost 3 years ago

Here is the only setting that worked for me-

Requirement => 1 unit = 1 cm

Blender 3.1.2
Scene Properties
Unity System = Metric
Unit Scale = 1.0
Length = Centimeters

Fbx Export-
Scale = 1.0
Apply Scaling = All Local
Y Forward
Z Up
Check Apply unit, Use Space transform, and Apply transform

Posted over 2 years ago

This worked for me
Apply Scalings = FBX All
Tick on (Apply Units) and (Apply Transforms)

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