I'm fairly sure you can do it with Maya's free FBX convertor. I don't have the link but what have you got to lose?
i want to export my file into FBX with TEXTURE AND VRAY materilas. when i try to export nd check into sketchfab only just model had export. is there any way or scripty to export from 3dsmax ti FBX with texture n V-RAY materials?
I'm fairly sure you can do it with Maya's free FBX convertor. I don't have the link but what have you got to lose?
While there is no one size fits all, this is my approach.
Sorry pressed enter too soon,
this is my approach:
• Convert all procedural maps to png textures – 512px or 1024 etc... whatever suits per bitmap
• Convert all Color-Corrected diffuse jpg to single png (Right click – render map) and save as bitmap
• Convert all Gloss maps to Inverted Roughness map (so user has both for pbr workflow)
• Replace Double Sided materials with single sided
• Convert to Standard Materials
You can use the below script to do the last step or do it manually if you like.
Also I have a question about .MAX file. I have all adjusted there for rendering in Corona. All textures are in the same folder with .max file. All paths are strip. But when I, for example, work in another scene and want to add my model, I choose that .max file and... I don't see most of textures! And in the "Bitmap:" field I see instead of path this "JPEG File" or "PNG File" it depends on what map was applied, I have both png's and jpg's. So how to make it work correctly? It is so frustrating that even on MY OWN pc it doesn't work properly!
Thank you for your answers! This trick with converting is so helpful :)
And thanks for explanation of the logic behind all this stuff. Although I tried to place those textures used in "File A" near "File B", I don't use additional folders in strip path so there is no confusion. Restarted 3dsmax and still, they didn't show up. It's just sad things are not so clear and predictable.
Its quite easy once you understand how it works. To be honest the easiest way is to make sure all paths are linked in the Asset Tracker ( Shift + T ).
If the "Status" is set to "File Missing" you need to repath this texture 3dsmax doesnt know where it is. You do this by right clicking on the Full Path next to this texture, "Set Path", and locate the directory. "Found" and no texture in the "Full Path" means it found the texture somewhere in the hirearchy below your 3dsmax file. This also means that when you merge this file into a new 3dsmax file you will again lose your textures. When the status is set to "OK" with the full directory to your texture in "Full Path" then you are good to move this to another 3D scene anywhere on your hard drives.
Another good free script I use nearly every day is Colin Senners - Relink Bitmaps. Once you run this and it finds your textures, it relinks them for your status will be set to "OK".
Just be aware, if you plan on moving this 3dsmax file's asset directory after you have repathed your textures then your 3dsmax files will lose their textures. For example:
C:3D/Chair/Textures/ .jpgs
I have pathed all my textures for Chair.max with the textures from Chair/Textures. Now I move /Chair folder to D:/ My directory now looks like this:
D:3D/Chair/Textures/ .jpgs
I start a new 3D file called Table. I merge in my Chair from D: - textures are missing. In Asset Tracker you will see that they are looking for this directory: C:3D/Chair/Textures/ .jpgs
Unfortunately if you plan on moving assets around any 3D file that uses them will not know where you moved them. So think ahead armed with this information.
Then yes, as you mentioned, put the textures in a folder next to the max file.
C:/3D/textures/ .jpgs
If your structure looks like this they can open them with the textures loaded.
I was referring above about your issue with merging your own max files.
No its not an issue. As long as you provide the textures in a .zip then the client should understand how to file and repath the textures before merging. This should be the first thing you learn when using 3dsmax or any other 3D package.
Yes, this would be a good idea, keeping everything logical within the project is a good idea. I usually follow TS guidelines since I use both platforms (TS & CGT). They also have good guidelines for many other topics when modelling for industry professionals.
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