CGTrader search results disappointing!

Discussion started by vortiko

Is anyone else frustrated by the search engine here? Especially when it comes to recently uploaded models?
I am feeling less and less incentive to upload new models here, when I know that I'd be lucky if they are even seen.
Anyone else experiencing the same problem?
When I do a search, I want the best quality, best value, and most relevant models to appear first.
Example, this model of mine
Which I think is a pretty decent model of an Octopus, and gets 8.4 on the upload score here, was uploaded 6 months ago and has only had 53 views. When I search octopus, it doesn't appear until page 8, way behind many other models that appear to have nothing to do with octopi.
Is there a way to give new models a better chance of being seen? I feel I did my best with the description and key words. What else can be done?
I have the same problem with many new models, my human brain
doesn't seem to appear at all in the search result. I basically gave up looking.
I think this issue need to be addressed or I for one, just won't bother uploading anymore.


Posted 11 months ago

you are not the only one

Posted 11 months ago

I think exactly the same as you. I also mentioned this in a previous form title. Newly uploaded models are ranked last in long tail and direct searches, that is, among the models that are directly linked to them. But that's not the only problem.

Let's analyze the status of your “Moai Ultimate Low-poly 3D model” model in the search results.

First of all, we need to point out that the problem started after June 2023 (I'm not exactly sure, but it could be 1-2 months earlier or later). So, if the model was loaded before this time, we can say that everything is actually working fine.

As for the "Moai Ultimate Low-poly 3D model" model, you uploaded this model months after the problem started, that is, during the period when the search algorithm was broken.

Problem 1: Irrelevant products are ranked higher.

First of all, before moving on to the problem of uploaded models being in the last place compared to other competitors, we should address the problem of irrelevant models/products being more prominent in the search results. Solving this problem without solving the other one will not make sense. Let's examine a few examples. If you pay attention to the "moai" search results we made targeting the "Moai Ultimate Low-poly 3D model" model, you will see that the following models/products are ranked higher:

“Zbrush - 20 Rock Formations and Stone Sculptures v03 3D model”

“Easter island 3d model terrain 3D model”

"The Division Bell Tribute 3D print model”

Since AI has been integrated into CGT searches, the first advantage we expect AI to provide is that it makes inferences from the user's search and brings to the fore the most suitable models in the database. However, we see that the titles of the models (even though they should be the most important element in searches) have the same or lower priority than the descriptions and model tags. The 3 models that appear in the "moai" search above are not directly related and are ranked higher than the product we are actually targeting, just because the word "moai" is mentioned in the description. (Note: This word is a search term that already has quite a few models, whether relevant or irrelevant. When you do this search, you will see that only 136 items are listed. In other words, the problem we are talking about increases to incredible levels in more competitive searches.)

I wish this was the only problem for problem 1. Please also check out this status in other searches:

In searches containing 2 or more words, if there is a model that contains these search terms separately and is both older and more successful, it is shown higher. In other words, it is very important to make separate matches instead of direct matches with the search. We would expect AI to solve such problems, not cause them…

For example:

When you search for the word "train interior", you will see that the product "Gym Equipments Low-poly 3D model" is on the first page and at the top. So why? Because the words "training" and "interior" are included in the tags. So, in fact, when you search for "train interior", this is the product. It's pretty simple for AI to understand that the product is not about that. Do many different searches and you'll see similar situations pop up even more frequently in some searches.

Problem 2: You will come in last place no matter what.

If you uploaded your model after June-July 2023, It doesn't matter how good is the keywords search, analysis, high quality and abundant preview images, detailed and effective description texts, etc. You will be in last place among the models competing directly with you. There doesn't seem to be any escape from this situation. In addition, when you click directly on the 3D models section in CGT without any search, the list of models that we call the most successful models, which generally change never or very rarely, was almost the same 1-2 years ago (that is, when the search results were working as they should). So some people say these need to be changed, but I think there is no problem there and new updates are not the reason for this general listing. We need to understand this so we can better identify problems.

Please review all links posted by @jaguarbestproduction. While all the products uploaded before the date I mentioned were very good and had the required rankings, we must say that those uploaded after this date had no chance. Moai is a good example here, but a risky one. Why is it risky? Because the sample has too low competitive (136 models) to be accurate to show

Believe me, I want CGT to work correctly and as it should. I want to see that the conversations we have here are taken into consideration by the CGT team, because I think one of the biggest criteria for CGT to become a more robust asset market is "Search Results". Yes, there are too many assets now and this is true. It can be said that it is very difficult or even impossible to analyze whether preview images fully represent the product in question by a human or by an algorithm that does not use AI, but AI can now scan and analyze both texts and images very effectively. This is truly a great advantage, but unfortunately we have not yet been able to take advantage of it in CGT. I hope this problem will be solved as soon as possible.

vortiko wrote
Thank you for your detailed explanation. I learned some things here for sure, and you have definitely looked into this deeply. The Moai is actually doing much better now than it was at first. Still waiting on that first sale though. I appreciate Jaguar for bringing attention to the models that are successful, and you for clarifying that these are either uploaded before June 2023 or in a category that have not so many competing models. I also really want CGT to perform better. I have many nearly finished models that I would like to upload, and a few times now buyers have let me know how difficult it was to find a model of mine. Maybe they can teach the AI to read these comments and learn to self improve. Hopefully it will learn from it's mistakes and improve exponentially. Thanks again.
Posted 11 months ago

Think its best practices to spread you work about and have external links to help with searches and hopefully this will translate and drive your sales! I also think you have some odd choices for your tags/key words for the you brain model for example........mastermind, perfect, beautiful. Its not a perfect science and it can be tricky sometimes to work these out but if someone was searching for a 3D model of a brain would they use those key words in a search!?

vortiko wrote
Thank you. Good points made here. I will definitely makes some amends to the brain keywords and description.
Posted 11 months ago

I have exactly the same issue, the majority of models uploaded recently (maybe since a bit more than one year) have a big visibility problem, i have uploaded last year a large quantity of models but apart from some exceptions there is almost no sales at all ! it wasn't like that before ! it looks like cgtrader algorithms to show models have changed a lot but this will discourage sellers to upload new models ! i'm almost having sales only from old models, however i remember that before it was the opposite, cgtrader was the place for new models to have their chance, i understand that they change algorithms to prioritize models with already many sales or good reviews but not to the point where new models are almost invisible, why i will continue to upload new models then !?

Posted 11 months ago

The date of search change is 2023 August 23 +/- couple days. The fact that cgtrader doesn't do anything about it for 8 months despite numerous complaints from sellers, most likely means that the change has been done deliberately and there's not much we can do about it, but suck it up. Apparently cgtrader does not want to sell new models anymore. Why do they still accept them for publishing? IDK, maybe for AI training?

IndieArt wrote
This, or last dev deliberately fked it up before he was fired :D
Posted 11 months ago

I still get the same if not more sales than previous years (always best to judge from year to year instead of monthly due to summer in Europe, sales events, etc). What I found works best is similar to what @JimPlatt said, good keywords, good external references (search engine results) etc, will bring you more sales. Make sure your descriptions are thorough, contain all the important information the customer needs and is well thought out. Think like the customer basically, they are looking for something specific usually, they will use particular words to look for things they need, if you dont think about this then you will suffer.

IndieArt wrote
That's good for you but this thread is about search results of recently uploaded models (since August).
3DCargo wrote
As I said earlier, I agree that the search results are worse since July, my point is we are in a sea of fish, and the only way to stand out is to bring attention somehow, no point relying on the CGT system as its not working obvi0ously.
LemonadeCG wrote
@3DCargo, not everyone has time and energy to do active advertisement for themselves. Most of the sellers here relies on cgtrader to bring the customers, even if that means that they don't leverage full potential of their assets. The system used to work previously and i see no reasons why it shouldn't continue to work. If cgtrader did break it by accident, it's might boggling that for 8 months they managed not to fix it. If however for whatever reason they did it on purpose, then i think they owe explanation to their users at least.
3DCargo wrote
@LemonadeCG, totally agree.
AKS-Designs wrote
yes i agree with Lemonade....actually if we give 20% to 30% of our sales to the website..then in return at least we can expect the website to provide clean search engine and tools.Atleast i am saying.Atleast!!!!But i hope this is big site..they must have considered these problems till now..lets see...we all request cgtrader team to first of all fix the search engine..everything else can be managed but the main driving force is the search engine customer goes to external links for models..they come directly to these 3d sites and search here.external links are only for some side ways promotion only.
Posted 11 months ago

I, like everyone else, have very few views of my work in six months, 50 views each.

7ka wrote
Posted 11 months ago

I definitely encountered similar issues last year (2023) regarding views, but this year has shown improvement. I believe it also hinges on the pricing of the model; scores have never influenced me. Models priced above $20 tend to garner fewer views compared to those priced below $15 on my list. Views on newly uploaded models have improved over the last 2-3 months.

However, sales of models have not seen improvement since April 2023. Models usually sell more during sales periods, particularly with discounts of 50%-70%. Even during discount sales, reducing the discount to 30-40% leads to decreased sales. Compared to my previous experience on CGT, sales were much better before April 2023, showing consistent monthly growth. Now, I'm struggling to reach half of my previous sales.

This could be attributed to the rise of AI, which affects nearly every professional field. Also I think CGT should reconsider promoting it, as the platform was exceptional without it. Humans at Team CGT was performing way better than AI. Low sales are also may be due to Inflation and frequent discount sales may also play a role. People might be opting for models with lower pricing or waiting for sales to purchase at a discount.

Posted 11 months ago

Search results have definitely become worse since the addition of "ai". Regardless of quality, it seems new models are shoved to the bottom and even searching for specific tags seems broken.

Something seems to have been improved from a few weeks back. Last time I noticed problems with search, it was giving me few results and seemed entirely broken. Checking again today, it seems better, more what I'd expect.

Nonetheless, CGTrader needs to focus on expanding what already works for the site and stop playing with pet-projects. Expand analytics, improved search, making the platform a better experience for buyers and sellers. Other sites are doing AI better and while CGT is dabbling in unnecessary add-ons, decent features are falling apart or simply haven't been improved upon.

Posted 11 months ago

I have exactly same issues started May 2023 which caused sales dropped by half and has not restored since then considering that we are improving models constantly. And we completely lost motivation to upload new cities due the visibility issue

Posted 11 months ago

In case of the search engine, the AI is most likely a short for Absolutely Incompetent.

The company that designed it for CGT, is more then a century old.
They made the Iceberg Detection System for the Titanic.
The end result seems to be pretty much the same...

jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Ok. Feel like William Murdoch. AI is an iceberg, a collision with which is inevitable. What would you choose? Direct collision or attempt to avoid impact?
Posted 11 months ago

I also noticed that newly uploaded models doesn't get much views as before, I don't know whether the score system has anything to do with it.
The score system needs to go, It doesn't reflect model quality whatsoever.

Posted 11 months ago

Yes there has been a major downturn in sales for anything loaded since 23-Aug-2023 (or thereabouts). I've loaded hundreds of files since then and very, very few of them have sold. The sales I'm still getting are for items loaded before this time.

More specifically, items loaded since Aug last year are getting virtually no views, and without views there will be no sales. This seems to be the result of the search ranking mechanism rather than the actual search results. What's happening is that the search results are purely ranked by their age, with old items first and new items last, meaning that customers never bother to look low enough on the search list to actually get to the new items. This was not the case prior to the Aug change, before this time newer items had a boost which put them near the front and therefore gave them a chance to compete against items which may have been in the store for years. What's happening now is that customers are seeing the same old tired items over and over each time they do any form of search, which makes the entire store look old and worn down.

I would suggest to simply roll back whatever changes were implemented in Aug ASAP and get the search ranking mechanism back to where it was and working properly again. This would quickly fix the situation for anything new that gets loaded. But there is still a problem with items already loaded since Aug, and really some sort of a boost should be given to them to help them out, otherwise all those items are lost in limbo forever, and will never get views. In my case that represents hundreds of items. But that is a secondary issue, just rolling back the change in the first instance would be a great start.

As a further to this, the "quality checking" mechanism is frankly ludicrous and just doesn't work. Almost all of my items have been given a rank of 0%, which should never be the case because just including FBX format (all of my items have this format) gives you some points. It's also frankly wrong, many of the items I've been marked down on are simply incorrect, like for example being told there is no normal map, when there is. Many of the checks are also utterly meaningless and have nothing to do with quality at all, like for example including a dash ("-") in your filenames gets you marked down. The quality ranking systems is giving customers an incorrect view of the actual quality of an item, and many customers may pass an item by because of incorrect down marking. I've had actual customers say this to me. I would recommend that the quality ranking mechanism is abandoned immediately, it's just wrong on so many levels and costing sales.

Posted 11 months ago

Yep! Its a search engine that just can't be bothered with new models.

I just uploaded a new model, and called it Worker Ant. I left it a few hours for it to sink into the system (though I don't know if that makes a difference) then searched directly for it, using the title. "Worker Ant"

I got about 3 or 4 Ant models and then pages of models of labourers and builders and such. As a human when I hear "worker ant" I'm not really thinking Human labourers, but I guess the AI seems to take every word literally and doesn't get the whole message. Still I would think my model would show up as no other models are called the same.
Needless to say when searching "ant" there are loads of ant models, but my model is nowhere to be seen.

Here's the model, if you feel like giving it a view bump. :)

JimPlatt wrote
.....we're going around in circles here! You have 8 tags!
Posted 11 months ago

Few hours? Are you serious? Of course, you are not a newbie, but still don’t you think that you are already going too far with your accusations regarding a new search engine on CGT?

Even if Vitaly Bulgarov registered here and put up for sale models like characters for Mortal Shell, I don’t think that in less than a day they would have taken leading positions in the search without price filters etc. And that's absolutely normal.

Your model is available in search (and these are not the most recent positions):[]=range_50_100[]=range_50_100[]=range_50_100

Just wondering, what result did you expect? That in a few hours your model will be here on 1-3 pages only with best match filter among 5984 models?

Posted 11 months ago

He expects to get ANTS if he searches for ANTS. What a strange expectation.
I counted about 7 ant models in the first 1000 search results in your last link.

Posted 11 months ago


5 from 83 and 17 from 50 pages is a bad result for a model uploaded 1 day ago?

LemonadeCG wrote
Sorry, but this is incredibly bad result, especially for the "worker ant" tag. Every reasonable person would expect to get fewer and more relevant results when they include more words to fine tune search phrase, but in cgtrader it's the other way round - the more you try to lessen ambiguity of your search phrase, the more irrelevant results you are getting.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
There are settings for a more precise search
Posted 11 months ago


if this site didn't ruined search algo he would be on the first page because there would be only one page.

Posted 11 months ago

Yeah and how are sales on Turbosquid? Ok? Surely incomparably higher than on CGTrader.

lasthawk wrote
idk about squid but cults x4 (compared to cgtrader), creality х2 (but I have a fairly new profile there, I think soon there will be x3-4 too).
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Great, but it’s not correct to compare highly specialized marketplaces only for 3D printing with such a marketplace like CGTrader or Turbosquid.
lasthawk wrote
of course, when the marketplace can't fix bug in printings collections for more than one year.
Posted 11 months ago

By the way (if you want a comparison) what do you say about this?

LemonadeCG wrote
IndieArt wrote
What should I see? I see better models and thumbnails on TS and someone on CGT spamming same model with different logos.
IndieArt wrote
Ah, ok they have some bug in the url query and yes they should fix it.
Posted 11 months ago

Is it generally correct to compare Turbosquid and CGTrader? Considering that the first is no longer a standalone marketplace but a part of the Shutterstock.

And most importantly. Sales on Turbosquid growing? Thanks to such an accurate search, sellers don't have time to calculate their fabulous income or is everything much more modest? Or maybe sketchfab, which is also part of a corporation. only ants. And what?

kremiansky wrote
sketchfab is...sketch? there are blender plugins to rip models and textures straight from the website, and most people I know that use them don't even see how is this illegal lol.
Posted 11 months ago

It's like going to the clothing store for a black shirt but shop assistant keeps telling white cars are better for you, but if you really want a black shirt you can go to the end of warehouse a maybe some shirts will be laying there.
"We had black shirts right behind the door before but it was too ordinary so now we are AI clothing store a here are some fabulous cars for you which is completely normal phenomenon".
And if you don't like it you should be aware that other clothing shops have also low sales.

Posted 11 months ago

You should introduce yourself, tell us who you are and what is your position at CGT.
Maybe that will help us to understand why you keep defending obvious CGT mistakes and why it's not a waste of time discussing anything with you.

jaguarbeastproduction wrote
You are sent a link containing 11 models including the model of the author of this discussion. Searching for a model took 3 seconds. You ignore everything and stubbornly continue about problems with the search. I need to clarify what this behavior is called or can you guess it yourself?
IndieArt wrote
No, I can't.
LemonadeCG wrote
I have to agree with IndieArt - the way you speak and express yourself, more often than not leaves impression that you are affiliated with the company. Frankly, i find it disappointing that despite their recent promise to put more effort in better communication with its userbase, they're continuing to ignore all complaints.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Yes and that is why I invite many sellers to the discussion. The fact that some people prefer to keep silent or instead of constructive dialogue put forward ridiculous demands is not a marketplace problem.
IndieArt wrote
You invite sellers to discussion? You are only account on this site which does not have a profile page. So you are not a seller or buyer. But you live in these forums and act like someone from CGT. So I would like to know to who I'm talking to and how is he involved in these topics.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
I am an intermediary between sellers and the CGT Team. As mentioted above, if there are some issues with search, don't hesitate to describe them. Everything will be submitted for review.
IndieArt wrote
People keep describing search issues since last April and If you represent CGT opinions on it there's no point in wasting time on it.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Do you have anything to add on subject matter? Regarding your personal opinion about CGT everything is clear, thank you.
skapricorn wrote
@I am an intermediary between sellers and the CGT Team ты сам себе этот титул дал или что? Тебе задали прямой вопрос: кто ты? Вместо прямого ответа ты опять юлишь и ссышь в уши людям. Да и в конце концов, если я пришёл продавать свои модели на этой площадке, зачем мне нужна какая-то анонимная прокладка в твоём лице?
Posted 11 months ago

Unfortunately, the topic of broken search has been raised many times, but no one has solved anything.
They broke the search and I think there is no point in adding something new, because you will still be far behind those who added models before August 23, 23. And all these promises make no sense. The models I added before were consistently selling, even though they were of a lower quality. Now I make better models with PBR textures, with popular formats, and even with YouTube videos. And they don't sell. And I don't care what that AI thinks, I and a lot of other designers don't make a profit. This is a problem that does not encourage us to add more new models.

Posted 11 months ago

Look for example at "tram" category. There are 7 pages of search result.
1th page OK. But from 2nd page the result begins to be more and more messy.
On the 2nd page you already find models like street trash bins, shopping carts, excavators, railway stations, bridges etc.
And what happens if relevant model (which have correctly assigned tags) are placed on much worse position behind absolutely irrelevant models?
Customers stop browsing on the 2nd page when they see total mess and models which they are not looking for.
And this is AI search result?
The CGT "AI" searching is total joke and something what only sounds "SO COOOL" but reality is that it is absolutely disfunctional. I really doubpt that there is some true AI algorithm.
Why TS does not implement these non-senses like AI searching? Instead of this CGT "AI" the search result on TS is much more accurate, clean and not so messy. And this is what most customers prefer.

Posted 11 months ago

And it is problem as many artists already mentioned it.
Your newly published models (with correctly assigned tags) are placed behind older totally irrelevant models which do not belong to given category.

Posted 11 months ago

jaguarbeast: you as CGT connected person are asking why are some models in incorrect category?
So I am asking why CGT admins do not place them into correct category like on TS where products categories are checked (and sometimes changed/removed) by admins.
BTW search result on CGT is mostly based od tags or product name. And this is the most important source of mess and category spamming because artists here are encouraged to add as many tags as possible.

Posted 11 months ago

Problem is not if "shoe" model is in "scripts" category/section.
Problem is if "shoe" model has tags: airplane, house, train, car, space_ship, horse, trousers, jacket etc.

Posted 11 months ago

The fact that there is no strict moderation here is really a problem. Regarding the question why. Why doesn't anyone take into account that Turbosquid has a much larger team?

Regarding search, relevance and quality of models. When searching in any section, do you often find outright trash on the first 5-10 pages? If yes, it will be interesting to know in which categories.

Posted 11 months ago

Well, new fresh model

When go to "Other" subcategory, opens
After click on tag "object" opens
With click on tag "other" opens

similar, when you click on a subcategory opens
After click on tag "kitbash" opens

Who has the same bugs (possibly with other tags and categories)?

chtazi wrote
Do what you are good at (calculating thieves in cgtrader) and do not interfere with people discussing problems that have arisen in the search, perhaps the cgtrader team will see this post and solve problems, cgtrader sellers and admins do not need intermediaries (as you call yourself)
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Dear Sherlock Holmes, I'll tell you another secret. I invited people to this topic so that they could discuss problems. And team will see this discussion thanks to me.
chtazi wrote
for example, you didn't invite me (like the others)Why are you preventing people from discussing problems?
chtazi wrote
and why is your page closed?
Posted 11 months ago

Jaguar, i honestly don't understand your position. Instead of collecting user complaints and presenting them to the cgtrader team, you're seemingly trying your best to defend the system and painting black as white. Of course you can find most obscure and ridiculous examples which "proves" that system is working, but we sellers with 10+ years of experience are seeing search is clearly broken. In fact search was never great at cgtrader, but now it's completely fucked up. I don't know who benefits from this mess, obviously not sellers and not customers.

chtazi wrote
Jaguar he is a seller, sells his models in renderhub, but his page in cgtrader is closed (for reasons only known to him), I think he would have spoken differently if his page had been open
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Yeah. I’ll tell you a terrible secret - Lemonade known about this for a long time.
chtazi wrote
are you a seller ,,, and why is your page closed?
chtazi wrote
chtazi wrote
no reason
AKS-Designs wrote
I agree..Jaguar bro plz be honest with us..if you work in can get even better pay/commission/or promotions in the cgtrader company if you make efforts to fix this search engine on sellers behalf instead of going against the sellers community....Its a good upportunity for you to become a hero for both cgtrader and the sellers,and also good payment/commisions/promotions too from cgtrader team.if sales go engine will be promoted for sure....if you listen to us..its better for you and the company both..plz think about this..
Posted 11 months ago

Unfortunately the Ai if it is not trained by people can only make messes...
I using it for a year and I realized that it can be very stupid... if it is not corrected for our purposes.
On the contrary, if trained it can give important results.
Obviously if 3D artists see their work rarely displayed... they will lose interest in creating new things...

Posted 11 months ago

I think the general consensus is that we are all invested in CG Trader, and we like it and want it to do well.
I much prefer it to Turbosquid. I like the reward system. CGT offers sellers a higher percentage, which means they can keep the prices low.
What I most liked about it though, were my models would be seen, and not drowned out by the huge numbers of models that are on Turbosquid.
I wanted to get my number of models up to 100 this year, but on witnessing such poor results on new models, I think that's unlikely to happen.

This seems to be an ongoing complaint that is not being addressed, and it needs to be.
I hope someone from CGTrader will come on here address some points, let us know what actions they plan to take, and actually do something about it.

Posted 11 months ago

yes definitely something is wrong with search results that has discouraged me to post new models.
like for example the last model I posted was a pendant of Goku. when you search Goku pendant, there are a couple of Goku pendants in the beginning then like 9 pages of unrelated models mostly Indian gods/goddesses that have absolutely no connection with Goku pendant nor Goku is in their tags and only after the 9th page my model appears.

It absolutely doesn't make sense and as a customer when they search Goku pendant they need to see all Goku pendants in the beginning from the most viewed/rated to the least and after that should come unrelated result or things they shouldn't even be there

Posted 11 months ago

please CGT please fix the search, it doesn't serve the customers or the artists in any way!

vortiko wrote
And! It doesn't serve CGTrader itself. Which makes the whole situation really puzzling???????
Posted 11 months ago

absolutely yes, this is a series problem on cgtrader.
I've already made a topic regarding this issue.
since September of last year the number of views on the new models I upload has significantly decreased. despite no change in the quality of the models.
from that date, the views on new models have decreased by about 80%, and the sales of these models are almost zero. I'm not new to Cgtrader and have many models, so I'm familiar with the usual statistics of model views. Any sales I have are from my older models.
Some creators suspect that algorithm changes on the CGTrader platform may be responsible for this decline.
The search engine now appears to favor older models, pushing newer ones down the list.
Models published after a certain date are often buried at the bottom of search results, regardless of their quality or relevance 2.
This shift has left many newer models struggling to gain visibility.
Honestly, now that new models seem to go unnoticed, I've lost interest in uploading new models

vortiko wrote
I read your topic. How is it possible that CGTrader has remained silent on this for so long?
Posted 11 months ago

First of all, I am sorry that you are suffering from this, for me it started in April 23 and lasted all year, December was a disastrous month when it is always one of the best.

I insist that you contact support, try to add all possible data that demonstrates your lost sales, using the Dashboard for example, marking "lifetime" in the Earning section. It will be much easier for support to help you with that type of data. (In my case, a stoppage could be seen throughout 2023.) Something strange considering that it had many more products and better quality.

I recommend patience and that you insist if they do not answer you in a reasonable time or do not give you a satisfactory answer (you may be unlucky and someone lazy will attend to you).

In my case, this year I'm finally starting to see the light, it seems that even though I haven't recovered visits, sales are being made slightly higher than the previous period. (I really prefer sales than visits)

But as I tell you, I have insisted and have provided all the evidence I could that showed the decline.

At the moment I can say that it seems that improvements are being made and it may take some time for all of us to notice these improvements, so you should not forget to contact support, who will be the ones who can help you ultimately!

AKS-Designs wrote
i also have april 2023 black circled in my calendar....dont know if it was a black magic spell on us..nothing lifted from that point..its a black hole from that matter what quality you make..where you promote..every efforts failed after that...
Posted 11 months ago

I would also recommend that you spend a few weeks without uploading new models, I believe (and it is a personal observation) that the majority (not all) of those affected are profiles with disparate products that are not focused on something specific.

Algorithms and AIs usually work with profiles, and having a changing or unclear profile can make it very difficult for products to fit a specific search.

The same thing happens with the Tags, it is better to put only a few specific ones than to try to cover too many sectors, since in the end other more specific products will have preference in the more specific searches.

So, if our profiles stop changing for a while, it is likely that the system will be able to fit them better in searches.

If you take a look at my profile you will understand what I am saying, the sales I get are very specific each month, in one I may sell virgins and in the next I only sell skulls. Obviously they are very different things and I rarely have very "mixed" months.

And I repeat, these are just my own observations, perhaps an opinion, but it seems to have worked for me.

Posted 11 months ago

To understand how big the problem is, try to find a review about a model that was added after September 2023. I have not been able to find one. This means that almost no one sees these models. And as far as I understand, they are not going to do anything about it

Posted 11 months ago

I also find that the results of search engines today are much worse than before, especially since it is integrated with AI. My new models are nearly impossible to discover if I don't manually drive traffic from external sites by myself.

Posted 11 months ago

I’m confused, when I type “octopus” in the search field I see your nice looking octopus right there on the first page thumbnail 4. Same for “jumping spider” (love that work bytheway's) yours is right there first page thumbnail 5, can’t get any better or I’m missing some thing?

About your brain model, that one indeed seems to have some visibility problem, maybe try switch the first thumbnail to match it to your competitors? If CGt AI is looking at your front page image, it may not label yours as the typical brain that fits that category? It fits more the keyphrase limbic system I believe. Also if you would add those keywords your model would probably pop up on first page if someone needed a limbic system, lol, that sounds funny, not intended ;-)

Anyway’s, that AI is doing some funky things sometimes, labeling my motion graphics abstract art stuff as starwars spaceships for example. Minor issue I manually corrected but it reminded me to be very specific or the AI hallucinates something for me.

vortiko wrote
Thats my old octopus. I created a new improved crimson version, It looks similar but the materials and mesh have been modified to make it more realistic. I decided to do this because the old octopus sales had dropped, so I put the price down and added the new improved version as a better option, but no one is seeing that one. Good point on the Brain. I added limbic system to the keywords. I have switched the main image around a few times now though. Thanks.
iterateCGI wrote
Sorry missed that point, things are more clear to me now. It appears the AI algorithm focuses allot on the title of a product. You have Caribbean Reef in front of Octopus, if I type Caribbean Reef in the search field your octopus is right there front page. Maybe just give your product the same name as your other one, that probably solves the problem?
vortiko wrote
That could be a really good point. Thank you. I changed the name now. See what happens.
iterateCGI wrote
Did you try it with the same name? I see you named it to Cayman Octopus in stead of Octopus Cayman like your other product. I’m very curious to see if it ends up in better place when its the same?
Posted 11 months ago

For example, I enter into a search engine the specific name of cartoon characters, a sports team. On the first pages it gives me anything: cars, chairs, motorcycles, planes, but I found my work only on page 28 out of 34, is it really so bad that it can’t be found? And with the rest of my characters the same situation

Posted 11 months ago

I'm guessing you haven't read through the earlier posts . Read the earlier posts higher up, your problem has been discussed many times.

Posted 11 months ago

I'm guessing you haven't read through the earlier posts . Read the earlier posts higher up, your problem has been discussed many times.

Posted 10 months ago

Uploaded a new model a week ago and very much see the points now about the complaints expressed here.

Was a bit skeptic at first, leaning to believe most problems would probably have something to do with naming tings or over crowded categories. However, when using search to see where my new model exist, I’m getting 83 pages (used to be 5 or 6 pages). There are some models matching the query on first two pages but then endless stream of unrelated stuff dominates for some reason. Up to page 83 there are some models matching my query after every 3 to 4 pages. My new model is stuck on page 75 (behind a ton of crappy unrelated not matching query items) and its almost impossible to get to page 75 because every 20 pages the site blacks out and a refresh is needed, then need to prove I’m human and site starts back at page 1.

This indeed undermines reason for uploading new models (even in under crowded category's).
I hope CGTrader knows about the problem and fix it soon.

Posted 4 months ago

I'm just going to throw this in here because I'm a customer - ignore, argue, irrelevent to me at this point.

I come here looking for... 'stuff' - sci-fi, greebles, kitbash, buildings - the kind of search criteria that works everywhere else.

Here, I search 'Sci-fi+kitbash'... I'm looking for new stuff, so I filter by newest... on the first page (120 items) 110 are from the same AI, proc gen'd, shit account... second page, 115 are from the same AI, proc-gen'd, shit account as the first page... page 3 is 109 items from the same AI, proc-gen'd, shit account, and the only item on that page I would be interested in , I already bought as it was released in June 2023.

At which point I think, "**** wasting my time here.", and go somewhere else.

I don't want 'best match' or 'top selling' - this only shows me stuff I have already seen, and have either bought, or don't want.

Maybe, if there was an ability to exclude "AI, Proc-gen'd, shit account" from the search function.. or to block, completely, everything from specific users, I'd spend more time (and possibly money) here.

Turbosquid does not suffer this problem.

Artstation does not suffer this problem. Nor Blenderkit, Sketchfab, etc.,

Which is why I tend not to come here now... for anything.

Posted 4 months ago

CGtrader lost its artists and customers.

I think at the beginning it is a good marketplace and alternative to turbosquid. By the time it become worser.

- uploading a model is too hard. For example upload a model to sketcfab maybe take 5 minutes but upload same model to cgtrader takes 20 minutes

- payment process took too much money from artist. Because we pay a transaction fee for paypal. Also we pay another transaction fee to payoner. If you sell small props with small prices. you pay more than %50.

- some artist try to make high end models for good prices.
- some artist try to make low end models for low prices.

When sales are low some other people says:
- You have few high quality models for that reason you cannot sale. You should add more models
ALSO same people says:
- You have a lot of low quality models for that reason you cannot sale. You should make high quality models

BUT the truth is you cannot craft quantity and quality at the same time

- Oh, and also there are some random people on forum making absurd comments to everyone. Are they artists or customers? Or anything else?

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