New payment method

Discussion started by Bystro

Greetings, colleagues,
I hope you have also received letters in which we were forced to face the fact that the only normal way to withdraw funds has been removed.
I understand the indignation that this fact has caused among those who cannot use the new payment method.
I don't know if an alternative withdrawal method will be added. But I will still try to withdraw money. They're earned by hard work, after all.
Thank you.


Posted about 1 year ago

I will help CGtrader, I will raised my models to $10,000

Posted about 1 year ago

What is CGT doing to us? They are acting like the guy from Unity who just wants to take advantage of the people who make up this community and fill his pockets. But it seems to never be enough. Now, they are inventing things like Hiperwallet. What was wrong with PayPal anyway? I hope our bosses write a book of a couple of thousand pages about what it is and how to use their miraculous idea. But I'm being so critical; maybe they are not earning enough money. I'm so disappointed. If another American platform (USD$) emerges but is more user-friendly, I'll quit this situation. Maybe this is an opportunity for someone who has the money and knowledge to create it. Perhaps we need to join forces and all go together to another neighbor's business since it seems we are not welcome here anymore. So sad and disillusioned.

Bystro wrote
That's true.
janexx wrote
I feel the same. And it's not the first platform for me which acts similar. Ebay changed also the way the payment works and wants that I uplad my ID card or similar. I refused and so don't get my money. This this really can't be the right way. Everywhere I look they force the users to give up privacy and cut freedom. It really seems like a trend that scares me. But I like the idea of joining forces. A user guided (and democratic) platform would be great...
Posted about 1 year ago

I started to think about this clearly. No payment, no answers to questions. They clearly showed that we were not taken seriously. I experienced problem on CGT that I have not experienced on other platforms.

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