Personally I believe consumption of digital goods will become a very big economic activity in the near future and it will be drive by AR/VR.
AR/VR is currently down from its hype and not going mean-stream as rapidly as expected but wide spread adoption will be fact in the near future. Price of massive computing is coming down, tech rapidly evolves, etc. Current form factor of AR/VR headsets is not ready for mass adoption but given it a few generations so form factor becomes like normal stylish glasses and providing retinal resolution including one to one tracking for the body (not be this body-less ghost like it is now), all for same price of a mid-range smartphone, that will change the game.
All the hard work is getting done now behind the scenes (all big companies are developing new tech for it) and that will eventually result in mind blowing results.
I think everyone learning to work with 3D apps and creatong stunning content is going to have a bright future and lots of opportunities to market the skills.
My long term desire has always been to get to a future where we build amazing worlds (and step into them) just for the fun of it and to impress others. On the road towards that future I create and provide 3D content, improving my creative/technical skills while at same time earn money, how cool is that?
Thanks to marketplaces like CGtrader creating that future is possible and fun + profitable.