CGTrader Community Member Creates and Rides The Very First 3D Printed Skateboard

Discussion started by viktorija-samarinaite

Hey, everyone!

While we are adoring the technology of 3D printing, its future possibilities and praise it for enormous input in science, there are lots of new things that may pass unnoticed. More than one month has passed by after the 3D Printing Competition, but we are completely sure that prizes were given to the right and merited designers. The winner of the Best 3D Printable Portfolio Sam Abbott has took the breath away of all the possible media, that is related with 3D printing. He neither designed a pulsing heart model nor delicious Italian pizza, but the very first one skateboard of the unique design. You can look for, but you will not find the second like this on the Earth.

Sam Abbott says that it is absolutely ridable, but, okay, he is a bit scared to break it, so he treats it more careful comparing to other skateboards he has. Sam Abbott was awarded with the possibility to print out his 3D design by 3DPrintUK. It was too big to print it at once, so they cut it into 3 parts and later joined them together, using connectors. I guess there are not that much skateboards that literally have already traveled all around the world. 

So, greetings to Sam and we wish him lots of stunning and disarming ideas. You must never stop! 

What would you like to 3D print if have such opportunity? 


Posted over 11 years ago

Nice one :)

Posted over 5 years ago

Gaming is the favorite feature for the people of all ages that they can enjoy it a lot. There are many types of games available on HyperOutdoor. Games don't demand the limits of the age is a moto of HyperOutdoor, it's demand is just your willing to enjoy that's the most important thing. If you want to live the life of gaming you can visit the HyperOutdoor and just enjoy your life.

Posted over 4 years ago

XXI century... printed skateboard ))) Cool!

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