CG Trader loyalty discount = permanent 30% discount for everyone?

Discussion started by tomislavveg

I got sale recently of model which cost 69$. What i earned in the end was $34.95. This is almost like Turbosquid! Customer payed $48.30. I have loyalty program turned on. This means customer had 30% discount. But, when i click on his profile, his reputation score is very low. Mostly corresponding with amount of my model price. So this is new customer, yet he got 30% discount?
Furthermore, this is happening for months now. I don't remember when was the last time i sold something at full price when i had loyalty discount on. To my understanding loyalty discount should be reward for regular customers on CG Trader. But what it looks like everyone gets it. Recently someone complained about artists increasing price during discount. Well, this unpredictability is to blame.
I'm not sure what should i do. Should i continue with loyalty program and increase the prices, or should i disable it and leave the prices as they are? What you think? But this cant stay the way it is for me.


Posted about 7 years ago

When somebody opens an account, he gets a certain amount of points ( it is usually 20 points on weekdays and 220 on weekends) which can be used for purchasing assets (up to 30% of the price). This "signing fee" has an "expiration day", so it should be used soon. This could be the case here, if your customer is a new member.

As for your other question about opting in for discounts...
Well...there are pros and cons on each side. I don't think there is a universal "good" answer for that.
You can try both to see what comes with them.
It is your call to decide.

Posted about 7 years ago

It's even worse, everyone gets free 200 credits few times in a month. What supposed to be award for buyers' loyalty, now turned in to some sort of promotional campaign. It's endless, it hurts sellers a lot and it unnecessary spoils buyers (remember that guy crying that 30% discount is miserably low on each ocasion?).

I can only repeat what btbt already said, you have to try both options and find what works for you. I already did and i would never go back to discount programs, if it will stay the way it is now. Like you said, it was a permanent 30% off on everything and eventually i got fed up of it.

tomislavveg wrote
Is your total revenue now lower then when you had discount enabled?
LemonadeCG wrote
Actually it is the other way round, my average revenue now is higher than ever. I won't go into details here, you can contact me through PM if you want to know more.
tomislavveg wrote
Wow, it is good to hear that! I will participate in this Christmas sale, since there are holidays. But, after that i will disable bout sales and loyalty. But i will keep the prices of my models lowest on CG Trader in comparison to all other platforms.
Posted about 7 years ago

I agree with you Tom, I just turned off "Participate in Sale offs " and "Participate in CGTrader Loyalty Discounts"...
I think I wrote some time ago, it is ok to have discounts from time to time, but here discounts are everyday, and who pays price of discount? Seller..

CGtrader, consider on giving highrer royality rates for people who participate in discounts..

tomislavveg wrote
Agree. I will participate in this discount cause it's Christmas. But after that im disabling all discounts...
Posted almost 6 years ago

I just discovered this having lost 30% on a sale die to a "Sale Off". I notice the discount is still on offer after several months. Ludicrous! I can't see how this can do anything but hurt the seller. I have deactivated it.

Posted almost 6 years ago

P.S. Take in to account deductions for CG Traders' cut, the Paypal fees for the transaction and the additional Paypal fee for transferring the fund to your real bank account and you get screwed over royally, rather than receive much of a royalty. Get your act together CG Trader or I'll switch to another platform.

Posted almost 5 years ago

Is it me or the option to disable the "Participate in Sale offs " and "Participate in CGTrader Loyalty Discounts" is no longer available ?

LemonadeCG wrote
Nope, those options are still there.

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