can i use the free models in my youtube videos ?

Discussion started by jouln

i am a beginner, i just want to use the free models and rig them to animate. i will definitely mention the model author in my videos and leave a link in the description of the model, also mention i do not own these models.

so please tell me, is it alright? if so can i monetize my videos ?

i am using the student version of maya.


Posted over 7 years ago

ask the author of this model first, if he accept you can use that.

jouln wrote
but in general is it alright ? can i use your free 3d model on my videos ?
Posted over 7 years ago

According to CGT terms and conditions, free models hosted on this marketplace, are licensed under creative commons license. Unfortunatelly, it doesn't specify which one exactly. What one can do with model licensed under CC license wildly differs, depending on what exactly license is chosen. So you have to contact support and ask to clarify this issue or as suggested, contact each model's authors and ask for permision.

I explicitly license all my free models under cc by-sa 4.0 license, which definitely would allow you to use those models in your animation as long as you credit me as model's creator and don't try to sell models along your videos.

volfin wrote
"24. License for Products that are offered for free download A Product which is offered as a free download shall be licensed with one of Creative Commons licenses as chosen by the Seller." As chosen by the seller, is the key part. each model has a license section on it's page. you go by what that says. if it says "Royalty Free", you can pretty much do anything except give the model away to others in it's raw form. If it's "Editorial", you can only use for personal purposes. If it's another license (Custom), the license will explain what you can and can't do. So simply check the page for the models you want to use, it will tell you what you can and can't do. LemonadeCG, I looked at your free models, and some have conflicting licenses. For instance, this one is marked "Royalty Free": Which means unrestricted use. Yet you try to assert a CC 4.0 in the description. You really should change such models to "Custom" license and put CC 4.0 in as the custom license. As it is now, people could easily be confused.
LemonadeCG wrote
Hi volfin, it looks to me that you simply don't know what "royalty free" means. I can asure you, that it certainly doesn't mean that you can do with model whatever you want. It doesn't mean that model is free either (although it could be). What "royalty free" means, it's that seller don't have to pay royalties to model's owner after each use. As for Creative Commons (CC), it's not even a licence, but rather a name of group of licenses. And those licences are very different to each other in what they allow or forbid to do with product. To say that model X is licenced under CC licence, is basically to say nothing. Least restrictive CC licence means that you're waiving all your rights to the model and making it as a public domain (in many countries you can't waive your authoship rights), while most restrictive licence allows only to download product and share it with others - no modification or comercial use is available. So tell me under what exactly licence majority of free models are offered over here and what i can do with it? I hope that you can see now, that your argument about my contradicting licensing, is simply invalid. I share my models under clearly defined CC-BY-SA license which is royalty free by its nature.
Posted over 7 years ago

The definition of Royalty free as this site defines it is in the Terms. You should carefully read section 21, especially 21.4. If you mark something as Royalty Free, and sell or give it away with that license, you grant the recipient/purchaser with the rights listed there, assuming they do not violate the rights of the copyright holder as listed in 21.1 thru 21.3 So yes, you can do pretty much anything within those paramaters. Including sell it as incorporated product commercially, render it, make videos of it. etc.

As well I know CC is a collection. Its up to you to pick Which CC license you want to use. And mark your items as using them clearly by setting your item to "Custom" license and putting in which license you are using. As it is now some of your items have two drastically different licenses listed and it's confusing. Royalty Free and CC-By 4.0 are very different.

In Any event, I was just giving you a friendly heads-up. Feel free to disregard.

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