Can I sell models I print after I purchase the 3D design?

Discussion started by david-james6


I'm looking to buy and 3D print a few things from this site. The simple question is can I print and paint and then sell the item after? I'm aware you can't sell or give away the 3D file but not sure about the finished 3D printed item.



Posted over 8 years ago


If I were you, I would simply contact the designer who designed the model you are going to build. If they allow you to sell the physical object, there's no problem as far as I'm concerned, because it's partly your work too!

By the way, I can ask you to have a look at my designs, all 3D printable ones are good in quality and free to download. If you are interested in printing and selling some of my designs (or just want to download them and print them for personal use) please let me know - contact with costumers is always great! :D

Best Regards,

jamesbarry wrote
Hi, I’m new to this, if I buy a 3d file, how many times can I use the file or if I print it once can I print it again?
Posted over 8 years ago

да я не против дать свои модели на пробу

Posted over 8 years ago

In general the answer would be no because that is the work someone else made.

On the other hand if you contacted the artist and are willing to give them a share of the profits and you guys put it in writing then that would be an awesome business deal.

Posted over 8 years ago

If model that you want to buy and print is selling under general or editorial licence, then you don't have to ask seller's permission to sell 3d printed object - aforementioned licences already permit that. However if model is selling under custom licence, then you should specifically look for what's allowed and what's not, and/or contact seller about that.

Posted over 8 years ago

Thanks for clarifying that limonadinis

I didn't realize the general and editorial licenses did not cover work that has been printed by 3rd parties...
that is quite the flaw...

So if people put a comment into their custom license saying they don't want people to just print out and sell their work without sharing profits, then that would be enough to stop them correct?

LemonadeCG wrote
No, it's not flaw. Alowed usage of product is explicitly specified in general licence as well as in editorial. You can't sell bought product as such, but you can sell it as incorporated product. 3D printing physical object is a case of incorporated product, i believe. If you don't like the fact that buyer will be making money with the help of your product, you can sell that product under custom licence. You can write your own conditions in custom licence and then it's up to buyer if he wan't to agree with your conditions or not.
exsesst wrote
LemonadeCG, what exactly is an incorporated product? If I print a file and then add to it (paint & other materials) am I allowed to sell it? What would it be considered?
Posted over 8 years ago

Excellent I will do that! Thanks Limonadinis :)

david-james6 wrote
from this I am getting that you can sell the item if you do print it unless it's stated in a custom Licence? Is that right? I couldn't specify if it ment you can't sell the item as the file you buy it as or as the 3d printed object. I know you can't sell the file but couldn't distinguish between the two. Just want to make sure I get this right because iv had a few people say you can't and some say yes.
Posted over 8 years ago

Hi david_james,

Please have a look at my shop and design, I allow artist to buy my stl, print and paint your self.

Please feel free to contact me :

Best Regards,

Posted over 8 years ago

@david_james6, simply go to page of product that you want to buy and on the right side look for tab "licence". In it you can see under what licence product is selling. You can click on licence link there and pop up window will appear with text of that licence. If we speaking about general licence, then you can see that it specifically allows you to 3d print physical object and to do with it whatever you want (2.2(4)). That 3d printed physical object is your property, unlike 3d model file that you bought.

Iguess, people who said you can't sell 3d printed object, simply don't know about licence agreement under which they sell models. They just upload files and hope that seller will comply to whatever imaginery conditions they have in their minds :]

david-james6 wrote
Ok brilliant. Thanks alot. Yea I did click on the tab but it was confusing and didn't state if it was talking about the file or not.
LemonadeCG wrote
One thing i forgot to mention, if you buy model under editorial licence, you most likely have to aquire permission from IP owner of design by which model is created. Let's say you'll buy bmw car model and want to 3d print it and start selling it. Even if licence permits that, you still have to contact bmw manufacturer and get permision from them, otherwise it will be illegal. And by the way, many things that sells under general licence on cgtrader, in fact should be selling under editorial licence, so you have to watch out and use common sense in establishing if you can sell 3d printed objects without further permissions or not. Good luck.
Posted over 8 years ago

@david_james6, if you're not exactly sure about licence text, you can always contact cgtrader staff and they will gladly help you with that. Contact form is on lower left part of the screen.

Posted over 8 years ago

Yes Limonadinis is right the best practice is always to check with the artist in question simply because they, themselves may not be aware of the license protection. Not everyone reads the fine print.

They may have not custom protected their work and thought it was so they could get angry if you do that with their work or they may be happy to share it.

Either way I think artists are happier if you discuss this with them. You may even make friends or business partners along the way.

Posted over 4 years ago

Some people will allow it like me if you give the modeler or the seller a percentage of the sales. Best ask each individual seller how they feel about it. I am sure many would agree for you to do it so long as they get some royalties from your sales.

Posted over 4 years ago

Ok.. my question is..
The artist made a file about batman...or deadpool.. or something about Marvel or DC comics.
It's ok to them charge us for the file but its not ok to me, buy the file, print, paint and sell?

Can't understand that... are they owner Maevel or Dc licenses to sell those files?

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