@Alpha 3d...I don't know if promoting free items will attract the kind of customer the campaign is meant to target - paying customers, that is. I haven't been here long, but what I have noticed is that the one free item I uploaded is downloaded and viewed most and all models published are viewed. The free model - Roman Dome Garden Folly - is not low-poly (poly count: 719,776), nor was it a complex build, consisting of a few cylinders and half-spheres and basic texturing AND super-high-poly detailed capitals. The capitals make the model too poly-expensive for game dev. I uploaded this as a free model to be the 'canary in the coal mine', so I could test the traffic on the site. So, I'm watching a high-poly, simply built (low modeling skills required) item 'sell like hotcakes', not because it's useful or irresistibly attractive, but because it's FREE. With the views being 207 and the downloads being 28, the views-to-download ratio is almost 14%. That's about 10% above what a for-sale, real-world, marketed product would yield in most industries.
What this tells me is that the traffic on this site already has a high proportion of bargain basement hunters looking for free models, which proliferate on the Internet. The increasingly easy access to free models online is already undermining the for-sale model profitability.
Maybe it would be better to offer a 'deep discount', making the prices 'almost free', but still requiring the process of paying. Offering all models for $7 or recommending the Make an Offer option might be the way to go.
Maybe the latter, Make an Offer, option could be the focus of the campaign for all participating designers. It's a feature that certainly distinguishes CGT and it serves as a very useful over-ride for models that have been over-valued and over-priced by designers. We could use it as a tool for getting a better handle on pricing our models and it would reveal what opportunity for profiting really exists on this site, in the 3D modeling industry as a whole and specifically for each designer's product. The main point is to attract prospects who are willing and able to pay SOMETHING.
The price-point is the bane of marketing in every industry, but cost-to-serve analysis is decisive. If the only way to distribute our products is to offer them for free, there's no opportunity to get a return on investment. The sooner we know it, the better, I'd say.