Anybody tried Fab already?

Discussion started by vertexrage

I'm new to selling models (but not whole asset packs for UE/Unity) and I wonder what's your opinion on Fab. Worth the effort of putting models there too or not?


Posted 3 months ago

Not worth it yet. The site is bugged, search engine does poorly, some people are unable to buy. Basically the state of the site for now is early alpha.

vertexrage wrote
Oh yea, my UE-specifc assets stopped selling there since Fab launched, but was wondering if anybody with bigger portfolio of models tried it yet.
Posted 3 months ago

I deleted my models from sketchfab, then tried to test Fab, but the requirements and clauses put me off. Fun fact: Since they closed Sketchfab, my sales here on CGTrader went up.

nollieinward wrote
Buyers had to go somewhere. Fab is basically unsuable now, there are reports that buyers have issues even buying the products at the site. And it doesn't seem to be much of improvement, the team is slacking. At the same time seems like Cgtrader at least partially fixed the search engine, as new content appears now at the top. So probably it is worth staying here. Fact that you can upload UE and Unity packs makes Cgtrader direct competition to Epic's buggy piece of crap.
vertexrage wrote
That's interesting... were the total sales (sketchfab + cg trader) the same, or are you basically getting more sales in total now? :D
VityaB wrote
That explains so much. I havent thought about that at all. Was wondering why all of the sudden i get record sales
Posted 23 days ago

it doesnt even open in few browsers

vertexrage wrote
Oh, that's interesting. I only tried it with Firefox and Chrome and it works... which browsers it doesn't work with?

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