advice wer to place these support looops t keep clean topolgy

Discussion started by 512pixel

topology question . please see image this based around ..

The support loops fro the round rectagle are going though the circle which will change it shape..


Posted almost 4 years ago

Here is what I did with least topology I could use...


512pixel wrote
one back to drwawing board i cna see you piont ..
Posted almost 4 years ago

My only concern would be that those edge loops are all inconsistent widths, or is this on purpose?

512pixel wrote
on pupose as if wwent straight across the midlle it would go across the circle causing pinh==ching and the circle to cchange shape
Posted almost 4 years ago

i need to see smoth edge thehigh lights

Posted almost 4 years ago

i was trying to aviod pinching and get the nice high lights . why kept the support loops dfferent distance shown here terminate the loop on the top edge

Posted almost 4 years ago

not about using the least topolgy but gettting the best results on the render ,,, i am going for

Posted almost 4 years ago

using the best result with som e form subdividing to get nice round highlighted edge in the render ......ivve expiremted with different edgeloops why te space was moved based hand free to try sop any pinching

Posted almost 4 years ago

lookign at giro liking how dgone around the outside edge on the circle think i might be able use that either this time or another time

Posted almost 4 years ago

I'm not referring to the edge-loops in the center. I am talking about the edge loops around each corner, have a look at where I have placed these arrows to see what I mean - when you apply your subdivisions these corners will have different 'chamfer' widths.

Also please take a little more time to write your posts as you have lots of basic spelling errors and while difficult to read also shows time taken on your behalf to ask a serious question - or take you seriously. Not trying to be offensive I'm trying to help you here and it doesn't take long to do a quick spell check in word or google translate but makes a big difference for the reader. My spelling isnt perfect either but it really does help if you at least try.

gjuroo wrote
"I'm not referring to the edge-loops in the center. I am talking about the edge loops around each corner, have a look at where I have placed these arrows to see what I mean - when you apply your subdivisions these corners will have different 'chamfer' widths." This is just my example how to avoid unnecessary edges go through the circle and still having enough topology to control the shape of the rectangle and "chamfers". As I understood, 512pixel has problem with [additional] edges going through the circle and "destroying" the shape. I'm not familiar with Max but in Blender there is option to solve this "issue" even with more edges. You can select the edges of desired circle and in LoopTools choose "Circle". I don't know if there is similar command in Max.
512pixel wrote
ii understand but please can render the model at the moment . you have nice topolgy cant see any smooth edges , this will only be seen in render yhat part important ....
512pixel wrote
you both right there better wy doing this .. gonna take back drawing boaard. dont wnat spend to long on teh topology whe the final render working .... defo may trip me one im looking at using both idea smaples
Posted almost 4 years ago

i need to see the high lights then this show your methods work at the moment we got flat model
please see thefinal render . you final render does need look like this

Posted almost 4 years ago

no matter what topolgy you use the final rende r must look like this ..,.
Please can you show how final model looking like render . ok i know trying to help and truly grateful the final model needs to have these high lights ... cos it need to represent a car mettalclic bumper ths not just the final model ... part of the model ... please render you models .... then can see

Posted almost 4 years ago

hit turbo smooth show you model ... only 1 button away ... see if worked cos that part that important
these hightlights are within the final model . please see this final render.... ( you need to check modl hit the turbo smooth or mesh smooth if your using belnder.... check you have thos high light sorry that

please check you topolgy has worked subdividing you model and the high lights shown below ....

thank you realy appreciate you feed back and it will be used

Posted almost 4 years ago

the final render clean circle rounded rectangle will sow the vechile part were building

Posted almost 4 years ago

the full topoly here ...kinda showed only a part of the topolgy ...... this was the part i was building ...i will check ur topolgy above and see if that make better turbo smooth .... this why hoped ur test thesubfdvide beforehnad now u can see it wasnt just based around square and circle but a bumper of th e enco bear cat

Posted almost 4 years ago

yes i took estimate on the loops cuts final render seems to not be affected seems to have clean edges ,,,,ther eis loop tool in 3ds max .... i will check it

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