I'm also interested to know.
Howdy folks! I've been thinking of ways to promote my models but I'm hesitant to do so because I'm not sure what the return on investment looks like. So I'm wondering if anyone has feedback they'd be willing to share about their experience with promoting models on social media. Did you notice any immediate boosts in sales/views? Any tips, tricks, or general info you've learned would be helpful to me, and I'm sure many others.
I'm also interested to know.
Has anyone tried it?
All the models I make are for my own art primarily, then uploaded here as a secondary thing. So usually I have a blurb after a post like "My International Space Station model is available on CGTrader" with a link. Gets probably 1 click for every 100 views , and then maybe 1% of those clicks turns into an actual sale, so its not huge, but its something
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