I am looking for a freelance 3d designer for my jewellery designs

Discussion started by rupert888


I am a one man Silversmith and I am finding it a nightmare
to find a freelance 3d designer for my jewellery I have got through three to
date the problem I am having is my designs are very organic smooth sculpting the
guy who got it correct is now working full time in animation I am not sure if it
is the software they are using or they do not know how to use it. Please tell
me what the questions are that I should ask.

Thank you,



Posted over 4 years ago

I'm sure you will have no trouble finding a lot of people who will be interested in helping you. I think you should probably post some examples of the types of models you would need, which might narrow down the interest somewhat. Also, I assume you require STL files? Or do you need some other format? You can also post projects here on CGT, and people can apply to work on them for you. Good luck.

Posted about 4 years ago

You can look for Zbrush artists if you want organic models

Posted about 4 years ago

Maybe you should give a simple test task

Posted almost 3 years ago

Just one question, why should "jewellery designs" look "organic"?
jewellery is quite "synthetic" in real life. Everything is done by hand (you) or/and by a machine, there is nothing "organic".
Organic looking we call in 3d world i.e. everything what follows "natural patterns" in real life, like enviroments, landscapes, trees, vegetation, sea, water, foam, fluids, VFX (dust, smoke, fire..) and all kinds of other stuff that come natural looking, organic, like in the nature.

I guess what you mean, is the word "realistic", so that the visualisations come as close as possible to the real-life products, or your vision if they´re currently not existing.

Also if you´re looking for a good artist that can follow you up in terms of what you specially need, you should take yourself time to explain the task with respect to the potential artist, instead of a confusing and sightly frustrated text aka "World, help me!". Just take you a bit time and specify what you exactly need and what you expect. Only next step will be finetuning.

luxxeon wrote
I think the word "organic", when it comes to jewelry items, is how people refer to design structure. For example, a ring that's been sculpted in such a way that looks like a rope or a vine; a pendant that looks like a rock that has been dipped in silver. Organic designs are just designs that look non-mechanical and have an appearance that looks like it was made by hand or by nature rather than a machine.
Posted over 2 years ago

Don´t know if we can interprate it that way from quote: "the problem I am having is my designs are very organic smooth sculpting the
guy who got it correct is now working full time". If at all then with lots of phantasy^^

Posted over 1 year ago

Pocolov can help you

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