there's a software for that! It analyzes the model and shows all the supports that 3d printer will build around the model. sorry but i don't rememer its name..
model for 3d printer need to be ready for printing? do you need to edit it in additional applications? can be a polygon mesh must consist only of the 4 squares? in General, what requirements must meet the model for 3d printing for download on the website? what is the difference between modeling in the 3ds max program for 3D printing, from the usual modeling in the 3d max program?
there's a software for that! It analyzes the model and shows all the supports that 3d printer will build around the model. sorry but i don't rememer its name..
Let's try to find here
You can analyze the models through a number of available software online. As far as printing them is concerned, you can get a suitable 3D printer from ‘3D Printers Bay’ and print these models easily.
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