New Models Free and Paid for

Discussion started by moonscapegraphics

Hi everyone, I just joined up this week and have some models ready for you.

I have a FREE Star Wars Scout Trooper helmet and two other models for sale. First is an Ice axe used for climbing or raiding tombs and second is a retro Arcade game cabinet.

Check out my profile here:

I will be uploading more stuff through the week an going forward into the future.

Thanks for reading


Posted almost 11 years ago

Hey mate. Your models are really great and I especially like the textures on that axe but I really think you could put a somewhat higher price on them if you wanted, simply because of how good they look.

moonscapegraphics wrote
Thank you very much for the enthusiasm :D I am new to this site so didn't really know how the pricing would work. I thought being new here a lower price might help get me some sales.
Posted almost 11 years ago

Good stuff, models are looking nice, and welcome onboard!

Posted almost 11 years ago

I really enjoy your models!
Congratulation! And welcome in CgTrader! :)

Posted almost 11 years ago

Thanks for the welcome Blender3Dboy. Much appreciated

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