new here - any directions on improving my pitchfork?

Discussion started by devlggram


I just uploaded my first asset.

It got 4.7 for the model score after following some "how to improve". (4.2 -> 4.7)

Now, I don't get any suggestions, but I'm still lower than 7.

What's the next step I should do?
(ie. what's the most critical thing that's hindering my model-score?)

ps: I can't find my asset when I browse through[]=83&polygons=lt_5k&licenses[]=exclude_editorial&price[from]=3&price[to]=3

Is there something very wrong with my asset?


Posted over 6 years ago

1. Add more preview images (15 or 20 images)
2. Add more description information (about 100 words)
3. Add more keywords (tags). 15 or 20 keywords
Note: Make sure the first photo is outstanding. The more views, the higher the rate of sales!
Good luck!

Le-Visuel wrote
Your clickbaits models with big hearts to hide some regions xDD Joking it's nice ;)
Posted over 2 years ago

Great work! Keep it up!

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