My new track models

Discussion started by samuelabyans


Posted almost 10 years ago

1. Low Poly Road in Forest

I picked this as first because it provides a realistic perception that you are in a forest from a regular person's view on the ground. The ability to convince someone that they are in the middle of a forest while still providing a low poly map that doesn't actually require a lot of trees to be placed to achieve this effect is a big portion of what makes this map good.

2. Game Ready Race Track

I ranked this as my second because it provides you with the same effect as above but instead of using trees to achieve this affect it uses mountains. While this is a more direct and blunt approach that simply blocks the view of anything outside of the racetrack it still provides you with this effect. The texturing is nice in every area except when it comes to the seats. While I understand that this is designed to be a low poly resource and that means less geometry there were better ways to make the seats and stairs in the stands while still maintaining low poly characteristics. This is the aspect that brought it down to number two on the list.

3. Race Track

This one proved to have a nice track like the ones above. However some of the texturing work was a bit misdone here. The arrows in some of the guardrail areas stretch far too much. This is most in the areas of the track that have tighter turns. Other areas however had rather nice texturing but the guardrail drew attention away from that. There are also certain areas where you can look to the outside of the track and see an underdeveloped environment. This is what takes away from this track.

4. Desert- Road in Mountains

This track provides the best texture work out of all of the maps however it has enough downfalls that it is ranked as the lowest of the four. The mountain jaggedness is not done properly. You have shown that the mountains are jagged but the way that you did it makes it look like off. The rocks in the center are also out of place with the rocks surrounding the tracks on the outside and the mountains used as a boarder. If it was a bunch of separate rocks like we can see directly outside of the track or a taller mountain like we see on the boarder, it would be more in place. The weeds however are a really well done job.

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