My new model of dobby textured

Discussion started by k420

Hello friends please check my new model of dobby its also textured

please tell me how is it


Posted about 11 years ago

Good work!
The textures "diffuse" are good, but I feel the lack of a "bump" or "normal" textures to give some relief.
Another thing that I do not like are the eyes ... You have to give the reflection ...
The model is very nice, I do not like the material of the eyes, skin and dress, the shoes are ok.
You've done a very good job! By adjusting these things would be perfect!
I admit to not being an expert and I could be wrong, but I see it like that! :)
Good Luck,
Ivan :)

k420 wrote
Thanks Blender3dboy for you feedback i will try my best to makes that changes as soon as possible and bye the way i am very much interested in VFX so i am doing these 3d models when i am free. but i must say your stuff are also awesome keep improving you skills
ivan-crivicich wrote
Thank you very much, my friend ;) Good luck for your future! ;)
Posted about 11 years ago

Nice work

k420 wrote
Thanks mimarburak1 for you feedback regarding my model

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