Tags and Searches

Discussion started by zuhan

What is up with the searches recently? I search Anime and get nothing but Animals. The Animal models don't even have the Anime tag so why do I keep getting nothing but animals?


Posted about 2 months ago

It's a wonderful world of "advanced search algorithms" also known as (or they just call it...) AI.

Posted about 2 months ago

Search function seems to be completely broken, or at least highly ineffective no matter what you search for.
As a test, I tried searching for a product I found (product page open), and the search function couldn´t find it even though I used the exact title from the product page.
As a someone purchasing a lot of models, it´s highly annoying - as a vendor it´s really bad for business.

Posted about 1 month ago

They have messed up this website in every possible way they can.

Posted about 1 month ago

I agree with Kuchipuck3d, none of the tags works anymore

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