Post your models and get other users opinions on your price / quality relation

Discussion started by creative-crops

After reading a long discussion about pricing and underpricing of 3d models, I was thinking that it would be helpful to have a thread where anyone could post a link (on cgtrader) to 3d models they are selling and get the opinions of other users on the price / quality relation of their model. I'm hoping here especially (but not only) on opinions of experienced sellers, who might also be interested in others choosing a price that is not undercut;)

The Idea is NOT to advertise or showcase any model and it's not about getting feedbacks to improve your model or presentation, it's just about finding the right price. I hope it's ok to start a thread like this, otherwise the moderators might please delete it:)


Posted about 8 years ago

Hi there,

Would you prefer a thread ( like this one), or do you think having a separate board (named, e.g. Model pricing) would be more convenient? :)

Although, having a board I'd rather suggest having both Feedback and Pricing in it. :)

Eddie, CGTrader

creative-crops wrote
Well I guess just for the pricing, a thread like this one will be fine and if there is a demand for feedback on models in general the thread could still be moved into a new board called e.g. model feedback which could then contain other threads like product presentation, model quality,...? I kind of like the idea of having the threads named very specific so one could get feedback on a specific topic:)
Posted about 8 years ago

Probably the best way to find out is to put up a price and look at the sales statistics, then after a while add some to the price and see if sales drops. Then also go in other direction and lower the price a bit and see if sales go up.

You would want to find that sweet spot where price is just right for your offering and delivers most sales. For any given item there is a certain amount of buyers, you would not want to divert some of them by setting price to high, on other end you do not want to lose earnings setting price to low and don't get more sales out of it.

That would be hard to get with conversations, the best way would be to try it out in the field and take samples and get to know what is your amount of unique buyers and how they react to your offerings.

Allot of websites are beginning to use AI algorithms to adjust prices adaptively over time to get to this sweet spot, it will probably not take too long before CGtrader will also experiment with that sort of implementations (if not already?).

creative-crops wrote
This is certainly one method to go, but it takes a lot of time and experience to get a good result and your sales might also depend on other things than just the price you set. So I was thinking that with feedback everybody could benefit from the shared experience instead of just their own experience:)
iterateCGI wrote
I certainly agree on that ;-)
Posted about 8 years ago

Well then I make the start with my first model. I mainly trying to think about how many hours I invested, how many times I hope to sell it near future (let's say two years), and I also tried to not be too far away from existing similar models.

Link to the model:
Current price: $ 45.00

What's your opinion on that price, compared to the model you'd get?

LemonadeCG wrote
Model looks good and the price seems ok. You could ask even a little more if you'd add native file format.
creative-crops wrote
Thanks for your opinion. Does it in your experience make a big difference if you provide a native file format?
Posted about 8 years ago

Hello. Your model looks detailed and clean. I think the price match the quality.

Posted about 8 years ago

@gianni333, i don't know how big difference that makes, but i have no doubts, that by including native format you would increase your chances to sell. Of course that largely depends on what your native format is. Max scene would draw a lot more attention than blend file.
I did an experiment a year ago, i've put one of my most popular free models in as many formats as i could and after some time i calculated how many times each format was downloaded. Needless to say that native formats was much more populare than interchangable ones. Oddly enough FBX wasn't much popular even compared against interchangable formats. You can see results of that experiment here:

creative-crops wrote
Wow that's awesome! Thanks for sharing that! Didn't think that many people are using max these days. Allthough that might strongly depend on the kind of model and if it's used in film, advertising or architecture visualization etc... I don't know how much that says about the interchangeable formats, because I wouldn't think a second to choose between a native file format and an interchangeable of the same model. Maybe if there is one model in an interchangeable format and another model in a native format, it's the model and the price that makes the difference more than the format? Anyway thanks a lot, that's great info!
LemonadeCG wrote
Are you kidding? Max is king of the hill in every 3d models stock market. Here's some statistics from cgtrader's database: obj - 203 776 fbx - 190 080 3ds - 188 160 max - 154 880 c4d - 20 864 lightwave - 18 560 maya - 16 000 blend - 12 928 As you can see, it slightly lags behind interchangable formats, but devastates any native format. I think it's safe to say that you'd have more chances to sell if you upload max scene, rather than blend project :]
creative-crops wrote
Didn't know that max is so crazy ahead of all other formats, seems like adding a max scene file is definitly worth it:)
Posted almost 8 years ago

Here's another model I just made, I set the price a bit higher than other similar models, because I thought those where kinda underpriced. Other thoughts on that?

LemonadeCG wrote
Price is good, but presentation is lacking. Also why not to provide native file formats? That should increase chance in selling.
creative-crops wrote
Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it:) Could explain further what you mean by presentation is lacking? (More views?) At the time I don't have that many 3d softwares to create all the file formats but I'm planning to add more formats when I have a bit more models to sell.

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