issue with score rating and spm files on cg trader

Discussion started by 512pixel

Agota CGT (CGTrader)

Oct 18, 2021, 16:39 GMT+3

Hi again,

I have made a typo, it should be: and maybe delete all the other formats except for Substance Painter (.spsm), since they are quite misleading/unnecessary.

You can add the formats for the publishing score, but please note that we would indicate this as a misleading description, and customers could receive a refund.

Also, you can now check this as a native format.

Please let me know if you require further assistance.

my reply

not misleading descripion the issue pay by our score rating and we onl;y get a good score rating it we provide all foramts of obj ,,,,,,, mmm were the isssue the issue is you score rating hhow it affects the royalty payment ,,,,,,, notw think ,,,, were not confusingf the customer you are with you score rating cos my models i would have just provided 3 obj formats fo all my models which more than enough howeever score ratingf is then low ,,,

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