Create glamourous female sports women

Discussion started by gridball

I've created a small sporting themed game [played among friends and family] called Gridball and want to bring it a little more to life with some 3d characters, for which I'm willing to pay.

The game is a [play by email game] set in the 1950s and is a fictitious women's sport and has a very detailed set of teams and players. [imagine the concept of dungeons and dragons meets fantasy Football] My request is probably quite small fry in the grand scheme of things but might be an unique enjoyable project for anyone who likes creating sporting and glamourous female characters. I don't make any money from Gridball, the players do pay a few £s each game into a kitty that's paid as a prize for the winning team owner but I would be willing to pay £5 per character with a guarantee of an offer to buy a maximum of six characters a month.

The team colours are already predetermined as part of each team's identity but, aside from the colours, the designer of the characters would have carte blanche to use their own creativity to design the kit and the characters wearing them as they see fit. The characters, would, of course still remain the creator's property that they can display as they see fit, while I would have complete freedom to use the ones I buy in my game.

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