The Leader of the SQUIR 3D Design Team: “my greatest inspiration is watching Hollywood movies”

Discussion started by Juste

Hello everyone, 

Some of you may already be aware of the new interview series we've started for the blog. If you haven't heard from me yet, you will most certainly do in the nearest future :)

These interviews are meant to be a different kind of source of inspiration - find out how others work, what they're up to, what pains and joys they're going through and learn more about each other. You will be surprised how fun it actually is to discover all those quirky things you have in common :)

Here's an interview with Tomasz Rozkosz, founder of SQUIR team. 

The Leader of the SQUIR 3D Design Team: “my greatest inspiration is watching Hollywood movies”Let me know what you think! And if you like it, press that share button - it doesn't hurt, promise :)


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