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Excellent 3D Furniture To Improve Interior Designs

We wrote about ristan_bethe's 3D models of humans last week that really worth attention of interior designers. And now we will make interior designers even more happy revealing the last big upload by the sbgwolf: ~90 great models of furniture (sofas, tables, cabinets, beds, chairs, etc) and different stuff to be placed in 3D interior designs. The quality of the models is amazing and we're proud to partnership with such a fabulous artist! We're sure...
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3D Humans Awaiting To Join Interior Designs

Yesterday tristan_bethe uploaded 4 exclusive 3D models that a really worth consideration of architectures and interior designers. The man (a senior, a businessman, pregnant lady or a man in T-short) is standing casually and seems to be waiting to get into your room, kitchen or terrace that now are empty in your interior or architectural plan. These models are 3D scans without any retopo done. Albert Hadley, The Story of America's Preeminent Interior Designer, once...