Veil Prophetess B Nude and Normal

Veil Prophetess B Nude and Normal 3D print model


• Crusade against the godsJoin to the adventure across the planes, where you might fight in the midst of infernal fire or healing waters, perhaps the pit of souls would be unleashed or the infamous abyss found the way to free out these creatures, everything can happen, and you can decide that destiny.

• Veil ProphetessA figure of immense wisdom and beauty floats above the floor, her meditative pose and the peace she emanates persuades her opponents for a direct confrontation.If you come to disturb the peace of my being, do not expect to emerge unscathed, calm water must remain calm, otherwise the balance is broken and the consequences are devastating.

High poly model done in Zbrush, projected to be in 32mm - Base 32mm (Pre-supported and tested). Manual to scale your miniatures. Can be print bigger, ideal for resin printers, supports Included.

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Veil Prophetess B Nude and Normal
Editorial No Ai License 
Veil Prophetess B Nude and Normal
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 64% in 31.8h
3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • PNG (.png)165 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)165 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2024-11-05
  • Model ID#5623846
  • Ready for 3D Printing