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Print ready girl figure. Design is my own, it is not a copy of some one else work or drawing.
Mesh is manifold.Measure units are meters, it is about 1.5 meters in height. (I hope you will be able to scale it to appropriate size on you own. If you use millimeters it will be about 1.5 mm, it is to small, you may not even notice it in your scene. )
Two versions of files:
1) Girl_in_Pose .blend, .obj, .stl, .fbx, .dae File contains one solid object that consists of 597224 triangular faces.
2) Girl_in_Pose_Parts .blend, obj, fbx, .dae. File contains parts ( hairs, body and base) before boolean operations are applied.
========================================================Cycles materials that was used for rendering is available in .blend file.