Tangled Boat

Tangled Boat 3D print model


This is a 3D design based on the boat seen in the Disney movie Tangled. It doesn't contain any wood detail (it is as it seen in the digital pictures). I made the wood details with a knife. It is sliced in seven parts to be printed and assambled. The pieces where should be the seats I made them out of wood, they aren't in any 3D file. And I cutted the part in front of the big seat since it was a little too big in my case. And I was unable to modify my original file. The mini lantern is included too but should be printed with a resin 3d printer for a better quality. the glowing gem is made out of epoxy resin with glowing in the dark pigments (ffile not included). There's also a piece that can replace the top of the part for putting a rope. You just have to cut the top of it and insert the detailed one (this one also should be printed with a resin 3d printer).

wolflady842024-05-06 16:04:54 UTC
What are the dimensions on the printed boat in your pictures?
haddock-creations2024-05-06 17:29:16 UTC
It's 80cm long. But you can scale it to the size you want, as long as the pieces fit on your 3D printer.
latinasaprendiendojuntas2024-01-04 23:46:03 UTC
This file works in any 3d printer? Thanks
haddock-creations2024-01-05 06:04:17 UTC
It works on filamenr 3d printers that are 200x200x240mm minimum. but you can also print it in any other if you manage to cut the 3d models in smaller pieces.
latinasaprendiendojuntas2024-01-09 03:28:03 UTC
If i dont know how to do in pieces do you bring me support? Thank you.
haddock-creations2024-01-09 05:14:12 UTC
No I'm sorry I don't do that service
latinasaprendiendojuntas2024-01-10 01:14:58 UTC
Ok no problem. I want to ask you something, Can I print this boat 6 inch weight / 13 inch long? Sorry to ask a lot but im pretty new in this and i want to make sure, before i buy the file. Thank you again to answer me back.
haddock-creations2024-01-10 05:32:13 UTC
Yes of course, that's a good size
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Tangled Boat
Royalty Free License 
Tangled Boat
Royalty Free License 
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3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)5.03 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-11-24
  • Model ID#3406317
  • Ready for 3D Printing