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Mother and her Baby ready to 3D Print
The love of a mother
Sculpture with high resolution geometry of a mother hugging her baby. It represents the bond, the new life, the unconditional love of a mother, and the formation of a family.
A special figure:
Perfect symbolic and decorative piece, which will generate a pleasant atmosphere and give conversation topic. Also, it can be a very special gift for a mother, grandmother, or even a friend.
I made this sculpture with great dedication and affection, since I was inspired by my mother and all the mothers who give love to their children.
Faces: 575,791 / Verts: 576,530 / Tris: 1,153,108
Formats included:
Files included:
Default measurements:
Width (X): 3.9 cm / Long (Y): 5.1 cm / Height (Z): 9.7 cmEquivalent to: 1.53 x 2.00 x 3.81 in
Technical data:
The 3D model is completely hollow and closed, ready for 3D printing
Normal price:
Only $ 16.49 USD(Sixteen dollars and forty-nine cents)
Please, any gratefuls, questions, or complaints, leave in the comments or send me a private message. I will try to answer as soon as possible.