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The Oplot-M main battle tank (MBT) is developed by Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau (KMDB) for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The MBT can destroy ground-based and low-flying, low-speed aerial targets, while offering superior protection and high mobility for troops.The Ukrainian Ministry of Defence inducted the Oplot-M MBTs into service in 2009. In September 2011, the Royal Thai Army placed an order with Ukrainian arms trading company Ukrspetzexport for 49 Oplot MBTs.
Armament of the Ukrainian tank
The Oplot MBT is armed with a KBA-3 125mm smoothbore gun, a KT-7.62 (PKT) coaxial machine gun and a KT-12.7 anti-aircraft machine gun. The main gun is fe by a loading system equipped with conveyor, automatic loader and control system. The ammunition includes high explosive fragmentation (HE-FRAG), armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding-sabot (APFSDS), high explosive anti tank (HEAT) and gun mount (GM) rounds.The main gun can also fire a laser guided missile against battle tanks, armoured vehicles and hovering helicopters within the range of 5,000m. The missile can be fired on the move against travelling targets. The tandem warhead fitted on the missile can defeat targets equipped with explosive reactive armour and advanced spaced armour.The Oplot has 46 rounds of ammunition for the main gun, of which 28 rounds are placed in the automatic loader. Other ammunition types carried are 1,250 rounds for KT-7.62 machine gun, 450 rounds for KT-12.7 machine gun and 450 rounds for AKS submachine gun.
The model consists of a plurality of individual objects. Turrets, guns, machine gun, scope, and more independent.