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Hilken HI2250SMK trailer
Created and rendered in Cinema 4D R13.The model contains 32 mesh objects.Model in real world scale (meters)GAMEREADY model!!All moveable objects pivoted and most of them animated (see features and picture animations)
INFORMATION for Cinema 4D Version!Key-animated model.Key 0-60 Tipping animationKey 61-81 Movement of the left axleKey 82-102 Movement of the right axleKey 103-136 Movement of the support
TexturesThere are 2 sets of textures! One set contains textures with Ambient Occlusion already applied (gameready). The other set contains textures without Ambient Occlusion, if you want to render your own Ambient Occlusion or use the trailer in a game engine, where Ambient Occlusion is rendered in realtime.The folder 'shared' containes specular and normal textures which are used for both cases.
Renders were made with the textures, which have the Ambient Occlusion already applied.