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This 3D model depicts a realistic bleeding otter, showcasing the playful and agile mammal in a vulnerable and injured state. The otter’s glossy fur is detailed with blood stains, giving it a dramatic, emotional effect. Its stance and expression capture the urgency of the injury, making it ideal for dark fantasy, wildlife-themed horror, or cinematic scenes. Perfect for games, animations, or other media requiring a striking, sorrowful visual of a wild animal in distress.
Bleeding otter, injured otter model, 3D otter, realistic otter, wounded mammal, bloodied animal, fantasy otter model
Blutotter, verletztes Otter-Modell, 3D-Otter, realistisches Otter-Modell, verwundetes Säugetier, blutiges Tier, Fantasy-Otter-Modell
Nutria sangrienta, modelo de nutria herida, nutria 3D, nutria realista, mamífero herido, animal ensangrentado, modelo de nutria fantástica
قضاعة تنزف، نموذج قضاعة مصابة، قضاعة ثلاثية الأبعاد، قضاعة واقعية، ثديي مصاب، حيوان ملطخ بالدم، نموذج قضاعة خيالي
Kanamalı kunduz, yaralı kunduz modeli, 3D kunduz, gerçekçi kunduz, yaralı memeli, kanlı hayvan, fantezi kunduz modeli
Krwawi wydra, model rannej wydry, wydra 3D, realistyczna wydra, ranny ssak, zwierzę pokryte krwią, model wydry fantasy