This model is intended as low poly game model, however it renders also on most modern offline renderers that have support for normalmaps. The Model consist of three separate parts (roots, flowers and flower stems) and UV sets, one set for the roots, a set for the flowers and a set for the flower stems. Note: The leafs on this model have single sided geometry.
Note: The model has relatively large amount of polys as it is specifically designed for high end VR application (tested with HTC vive) and up close viewing, the model is about 2 meters high and lowering ploys in this case compromises details and the particular experience it provides now. It is intended to serve a central narrative item (in room scale experiences), for example standing next to some magic fountain where one needs to find some item or receive a message, etc. One could reduce the amount of polys and transfer more of the details to normal map information if one needs it as a background item or small plant.
The archive contains following items;
(presentation renders on top are real-time renders taken strait out of the including Marmoset Toolbag previewing scene, video is also real-time recording of the same scene)
Feel free to ask additional questions should you have any, (click the Author name on the left to enter his profile and then use the green contact button on the right to get to him).
Have fun,