High detail realistic old gothic style (PBR) fountain.Suitable for Unity and Unreal Engine 4 and other realistic renders.
Model is created in Blender 2.8, textured in Substance Painter. Rendered in IRay(S.P 2018)All materials and Textures are included.
Additional Information : There are additionally two meshes(WaterPlanes) for pool and fountain water. The water materials that used in engines are downloaded from the official marketplaces of game engines. Which are Unreal Marketplace and Unity Asset Store. The one that is used in Unreal Engine is from free WaterMaterials package. The material name is MIC_PondScum.. Other one used in Unity is WaterProDaytime material which comes with the Standart Assets provided by Unity. You can get them free and assign them to WaterPlane meshes easily.