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Posed model of Japanese girl Mariko in bunny outfit. Model is turbosmoothed to give a high quality render.
I support convert this 3D model to any file format as you wish (3DS; AI; ASE; DAE; DWF; DWG; DXF; FLT; HTR; IGS; M3G; MQO; OBJ; SAT; STL; W3D; WRL; X)
T-pose rigged model: http://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/character-people/woman/t-pose-rigged-model-of-mariko-in-bunny-outfit
T-pose non-rigged model: http://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/character-people/woman/t-pose-nonrigged-model-of-mariko-in-bunny-outfit