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Welcome Kalia from Chapter 2: Season 3!
She is fully IK/FK rigged up with Mustard UI (Mustard_rigtools.py) with exclusive bone layers for Hair, Clothes, Accessories & Genitals for complete customization for any pose you need to make. She is fully nude under clothes & comes with a second exotic outfit that can be enabled/disabled in Outliner Menu.
Also, in the Shaders panel, there is a slider to remove the blue face paint. She also contains TONS of shape keys for precise/quick customization of model.
Let us know what you think or if you need her exported in another format. Recently updated files for Blender 4.0 (Native).Alternative file formats available for download are OBJ, STL, FBX, FBX (MIXAMO), DAE & USDC.
A little about me: Self-taught 3D animator that has spent many (happy) hours rigging, weight painting & converting my 3d models to hopefully save some time for any future animators/artists out there that need to save some time. Hope it helps!
Feel free to message me here if you have any questions with the rig, DREAM BIG.
Peace & Love <3 AM!