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Female Soldier
This package includes a fully rigged character shaded using a PBR workflow. Maps included are 4K (apart from hair and eyes).
Layered PSD files with UV guides are included which enables you to swap in your own logos and camouflage style or create your own custom damage textures and displacement maps.
The screenshots shown on this page were screen captures taken directly from the editor in play mode with a simple real-time lighting setup.
This package includes one mesh and 5 prefabs with unique sets of textures.
Mecanim ready with rigged hair joints suitable for a dynamic bone setup. The model has a jaw bone, teeth, eyelids and carefully crafted eyes that all add to the realism of this character.
Approximately 14K Tris
PBR Materials (apart from hair)
Custom hair (non-PBR) and PBR displacement shaders included
4K albedo and normal maps (separate maps for the body, hair and vest and accessories)
Smaller maps for eyes and hair
Mecanim ready
No animations included. Displacement requires DX11.