2018-04-28 15:02:01 UTCastaltw
Hum, weird that my review have been cloned... Anyway the author replied me fast with a fix for the eyes!
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Female Body in ztl and obj formats. Аnatomycal proportions. Optimize Topology. Rendered in Zbrush. Good anatomycal base mesh. Two bodies.
(ZTL)Zbrush (4R8) inf -ActivePoints 183.499. (Body) -TotalPoints 449.388 (4 SubTool) two bodies, hair, eye, eyelashes, eyebrows.
And OBJ files -Optimize model (body) 366.993 Polys 189.498 Points -Optimize models (all) 897.356 Polys 449.388 Points
For any questions you can contact me. Look in my library, there are many cool models for you.