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Female 04 - Version 2
This model has been designed for use with Unity 5 but there is no reason why it wouldn't work with other game engines. The mesh is in FBX format. Texture maps are in 4K. If using this model for engines other than Unity you will have to assign the textures to materials in-engine yourself.
Update 2.0 is compatible with Female0x.Utilities which allows the customisation and posing of this and other assets in the Female0x series.
This package includes a fully rigged and highly posable female character. Made with VR in mind - 4K maps and a high poly count allow you to get up close and see pores and pimples with physically-based realism. Uncensored textures are available from a different site.
Clothes can be made to look wet, plastic or modified by using custom transparency maps and albedo alpha. Edited displacement maps can be used create custom body shapes. The character's hair color and clothing color also can be changed.
The pictures and on this page are screen captures taken directly from the editor in play mode with a simple real-time lighting setup (as are the banners).
Features: Body 40K Tris Swimsuit + 3K tris Hair (5 unique styles) + 2 - 5K tris PBR Materials (apart from hair) 4K albedo and normal maps (separate maps for the body, hair and clothing) Smaller maps for head parts and displacement maps. Mecanim ready Custom hair and skin shaders Hair, breast and butt joints Jaw, eyes, eyelids and lashes
The author would like to let asset store browsers know that this package contains nudity. If your country of residence does not legally permit you to own or view content with nudity do not buy this package.