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3D realistical model of an afro man created in 3ds max and zbrush.
POLYCOUNTOrpheusLowest Subdiv (16740 polys)Highest Subdiv (4.2 mil polys)
ShirtLowest Subdiv (672 polys)Highest Subdiv (172000 polys)
PantsLowest Subdiv (5174 polys)Highest Subdiv (1.3 mil polys)
ShoesLowest Subdiv (9100 polys)Highest Subdiv (3.5 mil polys)
Hair (1.2 mil)
OrpheusDiffuse (6000x6000), displacement (4096x4096), normal (4096x4096) and cavity (4096x4096)
Orpheus shirtDiffuse (4096x4096), displacement (4096x4096) and normal (4096x4096)
Orpheus pantsDiffuse (4096x4096), displacement (4096x4096), normal (4096x4096) and cavity (4096x4096)
Orpheus shoesDiffuse (2048x2048), displacement (2048x2048), normal (2048x2048) and bump (2048x2048)
Topology created in 3ds max and also using qremesher for the clothes.Hair created with fibers and also textured.
Don't forget to check out other models also by clicking on my name. Thanks.