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V 1.35
18 additional rolling, jumping, strafe... animations added. 9 on place and 9 withroot motiondata.NewBowanimation collection with 52 animations for archers was added.Five additional animations was added toBow Animation Collection". Now archer can rise, aim, shot and reload in 45 degrees up.Hero Horse and Horseman animation collections was added.
Wizard animation collection was apdgraded until v 1.1Frame zero - T-pose.6 Run and walk, animation clips included root motion data, used by Mechanim added.Now wizard have 2 staffs alwas in same places. One on the back and one in the hand.
Bow animation collection was apdgraded until v 1.2Archer_aim_fromLeft_toRight added to Bow animation collection.
4 strife animations for Wizard collection added.
Four additional animations was added for Bow collection. Strafe left and right with aiming bow, with and without root motion data.
v. 1.4
Unity Hero 2 Weapons Collection upgraded to v. 1.3 8 walking blows animations was added.Unity Hero 2H Collection upgraded to v. 1.3. 9 animations was added (put weapon back, take out and walking blows). Sword on the back was added.Hero spear/staff/halberd Collection was upgraded to V 1.3 9 animations was added (put weapon back, take out and walking blows) Halberd on the back was added.Unity Hero Weapon and Shield collection was upgraded to V 1.6 10 animations was added (put weapon back, take out, walking blows and more...) Sword and shield on the back was added.
v. 1.5
General Animation Collection was upgradeed to v. 1.4 (VOL 2) 18 additional animations with and without root motion was added (underwater swimming, walking with torch,jumping...).
v. 2.0
137 humanoid animations was added 20 animations was removed.2 Horse animations was added2 realistic ideal model of man and woman added to the pack. Horse model was addedAll animations was refined to meet the realistic characters beauty.
v. 2.1.1 Animated Bow prefab was added to Bow animated collection
v.2.1.2 Bow collection was upgraded 4 animations added. General collection was upgraded 12 important animations was added.
This pack contains 714 quality animations from 8 animation collections, which covers what your basically need to create functional PC and NPC character for any Medieval or fantasy game type.
You can use it as is or make blends between different animations in order to create more variants.
You can use characters for prototype or make additional armor and weapons for them and use in you game production.
Animation clips can be used with any rig type but to redirect it to custom characters must humanoid avatar used. Animation clips of Horse can be used with any rig types except humanoid. It can't be re-targeted. Because horse isn't humanoid creature.
There is a difference between man and woman poses, which makes the difference between femininity and masculinity.
Only animation with RM_ or W_RM_ prefix contains root motion data. All others must be used without this option turned on.
Main Hero_Horseman object need to be parented to horse HORSEMAN_BONE can be found under horse hierarchy after Spine1 bone. I already did it in Horseman&horse_generic_PREFAB and Horseman&Horse_humanoid_PREFAB
You can find list of animations in description notes at YouTube preview page.
Pack including
Eva: 8,532 polygons, 16,932 triangles, 8,689 vertexes. Rig: 75 bones. (2 additional bones for breast)Adam: 8,591 polygons, 17,072 triangles, 8,767 vertexes. Rig: 73 bones Weapons for each character: 4,391 polygons, 8,400 triangles, 4,744 vertexesHorse: 1,069 polygons, 2,096 triangles, 1,157 vertexes.
693 human animation clips. 530 on place animation clips, plus 163 duplicates of run, walk, jump, crawling... animation clips included root motion data, used by Mecanim.
21 Horse animation clips. 15 on place animation clips, plus 6 duplicates of walk, jump, gallop... animation clips included root motion data, used by Mecanim.
Diffuse, normals and specular 2048x248, 1024x1024, 512x512 TIF textures.
Time lists included.