Hi Dear Sellers and Clients.
Product Name: 15 Classic Frame and Mirror Collection 02Version: 2015
3D Model Created in 3Ds Max 2015 (Render Vray 3)Formats: 3Ds Max 2015,Blender,Cinema4D,OBJ,FBX,STLThe specified polygon and vertex number only apply to the 3DS MAX file.3dsMax Low Polygons and Vertexs: Polys:785 199 Verts:835 3543dsMax Mid Polygons and Vertexs: (Turbosmooth 1 and after Collapse All) Polys:3 112 352 Verts:3 239 5303dsMax High Polygons and Vertexs:(Turbosmooth 2 and after Collapse All) Polys:12 449 268
Verts:12 701 434OBJ Mid Polygons and Vertexs: Polys:6 224 314
Verts:3 215 876Blender Mid Polygons and Vertexs: Polys:6 184 083
Verts:3 218 510Cinema4D Mid Polygons and Vertexs: Polys:6 184 906
Verts:3 218 510Warning 1:
I uploaded another 3D Softwares and 3D formates (OBJ FBX STL) with MidPoly Version.Warning 2:
The specified polygon and vertex number only apply to the 3dsmax file.Not applicable to other 3d softwares and formates.(Blender Cinema4D OBJ FBX STL and another)
In other 3d Softwares (Blender Cinema4D OBJ FBX STL and another) the number of polygons and vertexes may be different.
For this reason, I recommend that you read the Description thoroughly before purchasing this model.
Enjoy 3D ModelingGood Luck