Has everyone received their September payment?

Discussion started by CGPitbull

Has everyone received their September payment? I haven't received mine yet (23 oct), I'm asking because it's the first time it's taken so long... anyone else?


Posted 8 months ago

same thing for me.... I didn't receive the September payments and in my control panel they were moved by a month... so maybe they will be paid in November after 2 months...
I asked for support to find out why this happened but no one responded....let's see if on the forum they have the kindness to respond ......

CGPitbull wrote
Accumulate two months, without giving you a notice? I find it more than strange... I have a friend who is on CGtrader and he already received the payment on Friday, which I don't know is why some do and others don't... let's see what explanation they give.
LemonadeCG wrote
I've checked my payments info and it's the same here - October's payment has been pushed to November. Never happened to me before. At least some explanation would be nice.
Posted 8 months ago

Yep, received it 3 days ago.

Posted 8 months ago

Same here. No payment received yet.

Posted 8 months ago

I also have not received any payment yet and such a long delay happened to me probably for the first time on CGTrader :/
You should reach the support, they always write me back. It was the weekend, so give them time to sort things out.
I had a similar case two months ago on Unity Asset Store and after a delay of 5 days I received the payment .

Best regards
Rescue3D Assets

Posted 8 months ago

I didnt get my payment also. I´m Legend, not a beginner and I´m from Brazil! First time this happen with me!

jaguarbeastproduction wrote
The fact that you are from Brazil and your royalty rate 80% is definitely a determining factor for your payment to be processed first among millions of other designers. For the first time since 2018, there has been a minor delay and you are ready to go to Turbosquid, but what’s more, you are calling others to do the same. Cute, very cute.
rescue3dcom wrote
Gentlemen, calm down, such incidents do not happen often. We don't even quite know if it's CGTrader's fault. Maybe ot the fault of PayPal or another payment processors, maybe something wrong with servers that are overloaded. It's a bit early to say that. I have had such cases with other stores before and everything ended well. Wait for the support response, CGTrader was one of the best stores for me so far and I am sure everything will be fine. Best regards Peter Rescue3D Assets
Posted 8 months ago

Could it be that Cgtrader went bankrupt and has no money to pay the modelers? Maybe we should find another platform like Turbosquid and Hum3D

Posted 8 months ago

Could it be that Cgtrader went bankrupt and has no money to pay the modelers? Maybe we should find another platform like Turbosquid and Hum3D

jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Stop writing nonsense and creating hysteria. Minor delay and you are ready to agitate to leave on other marketplaces, naively believing that Turbosquid is better. Just no comments.
Posted 8 months ago

The fact that Cgtrader doesn't give us any news about what happened gives me the right to think whatever I want. Whether you like it or not. I hope you're right, but in the meantime I'm thinking about pessimistic scenarios.

HorizonSystems wrote
There is a difference between pessimistic and unrealistic, calling for others to move platform due to a small delay is unreasonable.
Posted 8 months ago

CGTrader not bankrupt. CGT Team is already working with the situation. Please don't submit new tickets if you have not received a response to the first submit.

tcheloslv wrote
Hey man, take it easy. I'm waiting for some response/information from support via email. In recent months sales have dropped significantly, this may have affected it in some way. Anyway it was only a month. Let's wait.
Posted 8 months ago

It would be more professional to give as an explanation and not just silence.

Posted 8 months ago

I received mine soon after it turned the 20th. I agree, CGT should have alerted their artists.

Posted 8 months ago

I have been using the CGTrader platform for almost nine years. This is not the first time that they have delayed payment; it has happened to me several times before, but they always make the payment quickly. What makes this instance unusual for me is that, despite my three emails to CGTrader customer support, I have not heard back from them. I am not sure why they are taking so long. I'm hoping they pay quickly.

TazMan2000 wrote
Perhaps the reason that support is not replying is that they are overwhelmed with fixing problems with the customer payment system as well as the one that pays the artists.
3dmeshes wrote
Payment received on October 23rd. but! With the support that doesn't get in touch with other important things, I'm surprised, you don't know about that otherwise. A website only runs with proper support.
Posted 8 months ago

I haven't received mine yet either, maybe some notification from cgtrader about payment delays would be nice.

Posted 8 months ago

No. The same shit: septembers payment is pushed to the next month. The amount of money is maybe not "significant", but I needed it not in the next month.
I have no respect to cgtrader anymore.
А "ягуар"со своим пустобрёшеством и высокомерием пусть идёт на сто хуёв, лизожоп админский (пиздобол на зарплате).

jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Пиздобол here only you. Where in this topic did you see arrogance and idle talk from me? Idle talk is what I said about the CGT Team is already working on the situation? Yes, they work. And for your information, I informed the Support Team about this topic more than 24 hours before they answered here. Despite the fact that I do not receive any salary or royalties here. There was no answer from them immediately only because it was necessary to establish exactly what the reason was. But this does not mean that no one saw anything, does not know and does not want to know. It’s just that some work but some like you.
skapricorn wrote
Бомбануло тебя. Значит попал.
Posted 8 months ago

The cgtrader staff had to use the forum to communicate possible delays to members... this way they wouldn't be overwhelmed by support emails.

Furthermore, I no longer receive product sales communications... once upon a time, every time I made a sale I received an email.... now even if I sell the notification no longer arrives...

we keep updated here on the forum....for now I still have no payments and always moved to the next month..

Posted 8 months ago

still no reply from official , very disappointed

Posted 8 months ago

I also did not receive my payment for September.
Why don't they make a statement?

Posted 8 months ago

And I didn't get paid. The amount has been moved to the next month.
Why do we have to find out such important information ourselves on the payment page? And the same situation with refunds (of purchases made with stolen cards) always comes as a surprise.
Please make it possible for us to see this information the same way we see notifications about likes

CGPitbull wrote
The amount has been moved to the next month, yes we have all seen it, but will it be only until they resolve the "alleged" problem? What if November comes and they also move the payment until the following month? I think that before the end of the month it would have to be resolved or they would have to tell us what the problem is, it is not the behavior of a serious company, or I will take action.
mak21 wrote
littlebird... for stolen credit cards there are marketplaces that have adopted effective countermeasures... it happened to me on Renderhub... there the thief is not able to download the files when he uses those cards.... they should do it here too. ..since we're talking about our work...
littlebird wrote
CgPitbull ... Yes, I agree that this is not the behavior of a serious company mak21 ...For them to do something about stealing models from us I don't even dream ...lol I ask them to at least notify us, I think it's a very simple request but they don't even do that
Posted 8 months ago

It's strange, I don't see this post in "General Discussions" or "Newest Topics".
I was able to get here only through a link in a comment to another post. Is this a hidden thread?

By the way, I didn't receive my payment either.
Hopefully, this is a technical issue and payments will be made soon.

grafxbox wrote
This shows that they read the comments and that there is "someone on board", and for some reason they don't want it to be seen in "General Discussions"... increasingly strange.
bologendheng wrote
I think somebody clicked "report" button for this thread that's why It's hidden. Same here, no payment for this month and still no reply from support team
rescue3dcom wrote
Yes, I can not see this thread from "General Discussions" too. This is weird but the worse thing is that no one from CGTrader's support writes here and no one has written any information about the current situation. We know that sometimes things go wrong but they should write something and inform us. They always helped me and could be counted on and I thought they are more serious. This is a strange situation.
CGPitbull wrote
bologendheng - And who is the idiot who hit the "report" button? Because you have to be stupid or malicious to do it, I think what is said here is perfectly legitimate and people here have the right to ask these questions.
jworx wrote
Payment received. Thanks for fixing the problem and to everyone who brought this to the team's attention.
Posted 8 months ago

I was calm until this thread "disappeared". In combination with staff radio silence..
Maybe time to setup alternative way of communication for us before things go downhill? Discord or something like that..

Posted 8 months ago

no payment here too. also no answers to emails and no explanation. strange!!!
this is not a good example, how to manage communication with designers.

Posted 8 months ago

Hello everyone once again. Does anyone have any information on the current situation ?
Did anyone get any response from support team ?

mak21 wrote
perhaps we are under hacker attack... they could have also taken control of the support emails etc etc.. no support news via email for me... is the only sensible justification for this silence....
Posted 8 months ago

Hello everyone. We are very sorry for not communicating earlier. We faced a technical issue and we are working on fixing it. We are doing our best to send out your payments as soon as possible.

mak21 wrote
Thanos... thanks for the communication.....
CGPitbull wrote
Well, at least they are "alive", but more fluid and faster communication would be appreciated.
rescue3dcom wrote
Thanos... Thanks for the info and action. I just received my royalties. Time to feed my family :) ...and I wish you less technical issues in the future !
Nesar wrote
Thank you for the response. I hope to receive my soon as I haven't gotten mine yet.
Thanos-CGTrader wrote
Thanks everyone for being understanding. Mistakes have been made here, we'll make sure to monitor issues raised by our community faster. Again, super sorry for any inconvenience caused by this. :)
brickmack wrote
CGTrader seems to have technical issues with basic functionality on a daily basis. I'm routinely unable to log in, people who've bought models from me have complained about having to make several attempts to pay, the site often just won't load at all, new "features" keep getting added like the model verification thing that are clearly not working.
Posted 8 months ago

I just received the transfer, if payments are delayed, why not make a communication if there are technical problems? simple.

rescue3dcom wrote
Yes, a short note will be enough...
Posted 8 months ago

I also received it now... it seems right to me to communicate it.. thanks for the payment..

Posted 8 months ago

Payment received.

Posted 8 months ago

I got my payment today too!

Posted 8 months ago

Since the payment system is now working, can we hope for the purchasing system getting fixed too? LOL

Posted 8 months ago

Received payment on 24th. Updating designers about a bad situation would be the priority. But 3-4 days delay is not an issue at the end. But communication is crucial as this forum demonstrates. All the conspiracies flying in the air. :)

Posted 8 months ago

Everyone in the comments talking about more immediate communication is right and we will not be defending our mistakes. We will prevent this from happening again! We are glad our community is understanding. Thank you all.

Posted 7 months ago

Strange, I haven't any sales for September. I had a sale on Aug 31, then waited for a month. The next sale happened on Oct 1. Glad for not having payment delay :D

Posted 7 months ago

after the late payment, the October sales result with a negative balance that was previously positive...
maybe I will ask for assistance via email... there will be a reason for this even if there are no refunds
best Mak21

Posted 7 months ago

Probably for this pay month's ( october ) my negative balance is due to the previous month's payment which included 2 months... I found this new entry for the month of November "Excess Payment for previous periods"... best regards..

Posted 7 months ago

Is there any way I can find out if I can receive payment this month? this is critical for me

TazMan2000 wrote
If your model was sold last month, you should be getting paid around November 20th. But you have only one model, and it was posted on the 31st of October. Plus your model is $2, so I think that is below the threshold of payment. Not 100% certain of that.
Dlich3d wrote
Thank you for answer, for this moment mostly i do CGTrader 3D Modeling Jobs. I am done few works 1-2 weeks ago and gather payment above threshold of month payment. Just i have difficult stations, if i don't get payment its will be critical for me

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