Discounts on certain products

Discussion started by mak21

it would be interesting for content creators to be able to choose which products can participate in the discounts and not all in bulk as happens now, or insert an option to exclude some.
best regards...


Posted 7 months ago

Agreed, why isn't this an option under the adjust price dropdown.

Posted 7 months ago

If you're new to the site you might not know that back in the days before global sale-off events, everyone was free to set their own arbitrary discounts on any single product. If cgtrader would bring back that, they would essentially admit that global discounts was a failure from their side - not gonna happen.

mak21 wrote
I've been here for a long time but in a certain period I abandoned cgtrader due to the issue of invoices.... then restored it.... Obviously it can be you say... but then you shouldn't be surprised if some artists mark up some products during discounts.... If some products sell without discounts.... I am either forced to raise the price during promotions... or I am forced not to join the promotions. However, they will probably never put it back...
LemonadeCG wrote
Products does sell without discounts, believe me, i've been selling without discounts for the last 5 years. Before that, i was running experiments where i was turning discounts ON/OFF for 6 month periods - didn't find any meaningful difference. Even if i got slightly more sales with discounts, that was offset by reduced price, the final revenue would be the same or less. In the end i decided that i don't need this shit and never regret that decision.

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