New to CGTrader, anything I should know going into selling assets?

Discussion started by levistonedev

Pretty much what the title says! I am new to selling assets on CGTrader and want to know if there is anything to look out for or any tips/tricks to stand out from the crowd. I listed my first asset recently and was wondering if there is anything other people do in order to get their assets in front of more eyes (for instance, should I opt in for sales or CGTrader loyalty points?) Any advice is welcome! Cheers.


Posted 18 days ago

Looks like you don't need our help you have 1 asset uploaded with 3 sales and 3 reviews in 3 days!

levistonedev wrote
I was so excited! Hopefully the frequency of sales can continue haha! One thing I wasn't aware of until yesterday was the reputation scaling with royalty payouts, an interesting approach. Thank you so much for your response regardless Jim.
Posted 9 days ago

为什么我上传的室内场景模型不受欢迎没人下载有人能教教我吗 如果是我的问题请指教一下

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