How to create basic cloth simulation in belnder 3.5.1

How to create basic cloth simulation in belnder 3.5.1

Tutorial posted over 1 year ago

To achieve optimal results, all that is required is a computer with sufficient capabilities. And of course the software program Blender (it is free). This task is straightforward and easily accomplished.

Step 1: Create a Cube and Plane

  • Open Blender 3.5.1 and create a new project.
  • In the 3D viewport, delete the default cube by selecting it and pressing "Delete".
  • Then, add a new cube by pressing "Shift + A" and selecting "Mesh > Cube".
  • Next, add a plane by pressing "Shift + A" and selecting "Mesh > Plane".
  • Scale the plane so it's larger than the cube and put the plane above the cube.

Step 2: Add Cloth Physics to the plane

  • Select the cube by clicking on it in the 3D viewport.
  • In the Properties Panel , select the "Physics" tab.
  • Click the "Add" button and select "Cloth" from the dropdown menu.
  • In the "Cloth" settings, set the "Quality Steps" to 5 and the "Structural" and "Shear" values to 50.

Step 3: Add Collision Physics to the Cube

  • Select the Cube by clicking on it in the 3D viewport.
  • In the Properties panel, select the "Physics" tab.
  • Click the "Add" button and select "Collision" from the dropdown menu.

Step 4: Run the Simulation

  • In the 3D viewport, press the "Spacebar" and type "play" to start the simulation.
  • You should see the cube fall onto the plane and drape over it like a cloth.
  • You can adjust the simulation parameters by tweaking the various settings in the "Cloth" and "Collision" panels.

Step 5: Bake the Simulation

  • Once you're happy with the simulation, you can "bake" it to make it permanent.
  • In the "Cloth" panel, click the "Bake" button and select the number of frames you want to bake.
  • Blender will simulate the cloth for that many frames and save the results to disk.
  • You can then play back the simulation in real-time without having to re-simulate it.


And that's it!

Have fun!


wolfsire wrote
wolfsire wrote
thank you for this
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  • cloth
  • blender
  • sim