1. Blender beginner tutorial - the ultimate basics (3.3+ Blender)

1. Blender beginner tutorial - the ultimate basics (3.3+ Blender)

Tutorial posted over 2 years ago

This is the 1st video from the series of Blender beginners tutorials. If you just downloaded a Blender without previous experience, you are in the right video. We have all been here and want to help you move on because 3D space is incredible and joyous. Feel free to suggest in the comment what should be the following video about. Join our Discord of like-minded people: https://discord.gg/TFWMfz6fkZ If you have any questions, reach out to me at samuel@threedee.design If you want to learn about ThreeDee, visit: https://threedee.design/

1. Blender beginner tutorial - the ultimate basics (3.3+ Blender)


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  • blender
  • beginner
  • tutorial
  • newbie
  • free
  • first
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  • box
  • modeling
  • settings