Ornatrix UE 5: First launch and performance test in Unreal Engine 5

Ornatrix UE 5: First launch and performance test in Unreal Engine 5

Tutorial posted over 2 years ago

In this video - I run Ornatrix for Unreal Engine 5 and try to create something - to test performance and usability. In this case - 1 million hairs in HairFromGuides runs on my 3080(16GB) PC at 45-60 FPS, which is great for creating cinematics and more. Even if it was 5-10FPS - it's acceptable for work. I'm also testing a basic simulation. I've never done one before, so I just made some basic settings for the test. In this video - I didn't have a goal to create some awesome asset. Just testing different modifiers. In the future - of course - there will be detailed lessons with comments. But the settings I show you can easily use in your work. It is enough to experiment with them to achieve acceptable results.

Ornatrix UE 5: First launch and performance test in Unreal Engine 5


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  • ornatrix
  • unreal
  • engine
  • grooming
  • 3d
  • tutorial
  • cg
  • hair
  • fur
  • perfomance
  • test
  • simulation