How to separate one model from massive in one file

How to separate one model from massive in one file

Tutorial posted over 4 years ago

In case when seling not one single model, but an array (for instance different rig sizes, on many variations) it's problematic to get one file for each model. I place all models into one file. Customers, who have not heavy 3d soft, have a problem to separate on model from massive. It is not a problem at all. It's possible to install some simple 3d program. It's free and legal. For example - Autodesk Meshmixe from official site: For PC: For Mac

Step 1. Press Import, and select file (for instance STL)

Step 2 First time you will see Printer Bed, which will interfere. Press Ctrl+Shift+P to remove it

Step 3 Take tool Select and press Ctrl+A - it will select all models

Step 4 Find model you need, hold Ctrl and click on it - it will come gray

Step 5 Press Delete and remove all unnecessary models. Take tool Export

Step 6 Save file in STL or OBJ format

Step 7 Enjoy. And have a nice time!

And have a nice time!



kuddus wrote
brokenbooks wrote
Is there a way to do this in Autodesk Fusion?
kadribi612 wrote
Sou ourives e não tenho como fazer esse procedimento
BAASU wrote
Eu também sou joalheiro. Não há outra maneira. Não consigo salvar 99 arquivos. Com um tamanho de arquivo.
kadribi612 wrote
Ok O arquivo não vai me servir!
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